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Settling-in at Moalboal Poblacion July 23, 2017

Settling-in at Moalboal Poblacion

Location Google Map: Moalboal Poblacion, Cebu, Philippines
GPS waypoint: 9°56'15.6"N 123°23'35.2"E

1-Month Rent
After 2 weeks in Panagsama Beach (Moalboal), it was time to move on. I didn't want to leave Moalboal just yet, so I tried looking for a cheap room at the town center for a month's stay. One month will once again free me from the constant packing/unpacking and searching for places to stay. I saw a few places but the best one was just behind the market for P2500/month. The room came with a fan, sheets, table, cross-wind ventilation and it's right in the heart of Moalboal town center.

On the downside, it had a common washroom, no wifi and no window screens - but I can live with that. It gets hot in the midday as I was on the 2nd level with my ceiling just below the roof - this is something I need to address.


Michael is a local who knows the ins and out of Moalboal. It was through his help that I got my current room. He would also hook me up with people in his network. Michael would be my go-to guy for anything in Moalboal.

Rimu AtkinsonRimu
Michael introduced me to Rimu, another traveler who chose Moalboal amonst many other destinations. Rimu and I would chill out in a bar by the water or go freedive-snorkeling. Online work is one of our many common grounds.

Covering my Bases
LIke clockwork, I covered much of my bases - currency conversion, installing locks, food and water supply, laundry, clothesline, data wifi, sikwate-putomaya stalls, shoe repair, etc. I even made arrangements to have my bicycle from Cebu City brought to Moalboal c/o Abe and Nandinii.

Settling-in at Moalboal Poblacion
post-workout tuba at the town market

Jetty Workout
While walking about, I discovered a jetty under construction, sticking 200m out to the water. It was perfect for my morning workouts - concrete pavement for my rope skipping, yoga asanas and calisthenics. Its water front is ideal for all that fresh pranayama air. Its isolation and gentle breeze make it condusive for a blissful meditation. I would be out there for my daily 2-hour workout as my morning must-do.

Heading back from my workout, I'd buy P20 of chopped pineapple, one raw carrot (P9), fruit (bananas or avocado or santol, whatever is available) and 500ml of fresh tuba (P10). That's a healthy all-natural breakfast right there!

With my location, I have access to cheap food by the market. There are numerous eateries serving fresh-cooked carinderia meals at local prices - shellfish soup, fish omelette, fish kinilaw or mongoes. At P75 for a meal, it would already be a binge.

For transport, I'm located at the hub. I can explore the nearby towns like Badian or Barili, and still be 15 away from Moalboal's beaches. This is just handy and perfect.

Ending Thoughts
With my morning workout routine + all the healthy food intake, I'd be ripped and on top of my game at the end of my 30-day room rental.

One month of no packing. Increasingly, I am defaulting to this. I'll be discovering and exploring destinations one month at a time. The challenge being, finding that rare P2500/month room. Life begins a new chapter every 30 days.

--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
YOGA by Gigit Yoga by Gigit | Learn English Learn English | Travel like a Nomad Nomad Travel Buddy | Donation Bank Donation Bank for TheLoneRider

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Reader Comments:

Juliet PamintuanJuliet Philippines
(July 28, 2017) Tubaaaa!!! The first alcoholic drink I've tried is tuba. I love the one without the "tungog". Davao is still the same, peaceful...but traffic is getting worst each day. Safer now since martial law. Check points outside the (city) to ensure that no rebels can enter Davao. We are well protected (knock on wood). We are not affected by Martial law. Everyday life I still the same.

EC VelayoEC Velayo
(July 28, 2017) awesome my friend

Next story:

Pranayama in Moalboal, Cebu yoga

Pranayama in Moalboal, Cebu

(Aug 3, 2017) What baffles me is how could something (breath regulation) so powerful be free and readily available? And how could it be so ignored? People would rather spend an arm-and-a-leg on hyped-up supplements and risk side-effects or outright fraud! From my humble experience, pranayama is the fountain of youth, the giver of strength and the unfathomable source of energy - and it's all free for the taking!.....more »»

Moalboal Google Map

Google Map Moalboal, Cebu, Philippines

tourist attractions in Moalboal tourist attractions
  • Sardine Bowl in Moalboal Sardine Bowl - millions of sardines milled around in front of Panagsama Beach
  • Pescador Island in Moalboal Pescador Island - short boat ride, famous dive spots
  • Panagsama Beach in Moalboal Panagsama Beach - sardine bowl, white sand beaches and the hub of tourism/expat activity in Moalboal
  • White Beach in Moalboal Basdaku White Beach - stretch of long white sand beach in Basdaku
  • Scuba, Freediving and Snorkeling - the entire Moalboal peninsula is a massive coral reef with depths reaching 300m
hotels in Moalboal hotel
Travel Tips about Moalboal
  1. money changer - there are 2 money changes here in Panagsama Beach - Saavedra Cottages and the small store in front of Cora's Cottages. They both offer dismal rates. Best exchange rate is at Gaisano Moalboal town center (bring an ID!!!) followed by M. Lhuillier, then Palawan
  2. weather - even though it might be raining cats-and-dogs in Cebu City or in Negros Oriental, the sun is likely to be out in Moalboal. It only rains there if there is an actual monsoon. So don't let that rain scare you off from your dive trip.
  3. tricycle - rides could end up pricey if you don't plan for it. Best to get a price established with a tricycle or motorcycle driver as you arrive (usually P50/pax for single motorcycle ride and P100/trip for a tricycle) to White Beach. Then arrange for a date/time pick-up from your resort at that same price rate (otherwise you will end up paying for a round trip)
  4. folding bike - if you really want to save up on tricycle fare (which could seriously add up if you keep going back and forth from Panagsama - White Beach), bring a folding bike with you. A folding bike fits in the under-belly of a Ceres bus
  5. Town Center to Panagsama Beach - if you want to pay the local rate (not tourist rate) of P10/pax from Town Center to Panagsama Beach, take the tricycle behind Three Sixty Pharmacy. The tricycle will wait until its full before taking off. Tell the driver you're going to "Baybay". On the way back, from Panagsama Beach to Town Center, walk a bit here and board the local tricycle. It will wait again to fill up before taking off. Best to pay the tricycle driver while awaiting for other passengers. That way, he can't charge you tourist fare when you alight.
  6. Town Center to White Beach - local tricycle rate is P25/pax beside Three Sixty Pharmacy. You should see tricycles with painted signboard, "White Beach". Tell the driver you're going to "Basdaku"

How to get to Moalboal from Dumaguete:

  1. From Dumaguete, take a bus or jeep going north and ask to be dropped-off at the Sibulan Town Proper (~P10, 10 mins). Take the short walk to the pier.
  2. Take either the pumpboat or fastcraft to Liloan, Cebu (~P50, 30 mins)
  3. From the Liloan port, take a tricycle to the Bato Bus Terminal (~P20 if shared, 10 mins)
  4. From the terminal, take the Cebu City bus via Barili and ask to dropped-off to Moalboal Town Proper (P70, ~2 hours)

How to get to Moalboal from Cebu City:

  1. take a Ceres Bus at the South Bus Terminal going to Bato (make sure its via Barili) and get off at the Moalboal Town Center - 3 hours, P130 (aircon)
  2. From Town Center, take a tricycle to your resort. Town Center to Panagsama Beach (~P50 if no other passenger, 10 mins).
Moalboal Blogs

  • Moalboal with Elizabeth Dec 4-9, 2022
  • Goodbye Moalboal Sep 2, 2017
  • Fitness On The Jetty Aug 18, 2017
  • Freediving Pescador Island with Seaquest Dive Center Aug 13, 2017
  • Life in Moalboal Aug 7, 2017
  • Pranayama in Moalboal, Cebu Aug 3, 2017
  • Settling-in at Moalboal Poblacion July 23, 2017
  • Freediving with Jean-Pol Francois of Freediving-Planet Jul 22, 2017
  • Freediving Moalboal Jul 10-18, 2017
  • Scuba Diving through the Sardine Bowl Jul 17, 2017
  • Bitcoin Transaction at 7 Sins Bar, Moalboal July 12, 2017
  • Scuba Diving Tongo Point with SeaQuest Dive Center Jul 10, 2017
  • Revisiting Moalboal Jul 10-16, 2017
  • Freediving in Moalboal at Asian Belgian Resort Sep 6-7, 2015
  • Beach Life and Free-Diving at Hale Manna Resort, Moalboal, Cebu Sep 13-23, 2012

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