Robert Edward Grant
In the past few days, Youtube algorithm has been feeding me content about Robert Edward Grant. Who is he? I haven't heard his name before so it was a total surprise to me...a pleasant surprise. Everything he said about life, spirituality and evolution aligns with mine - I could have finished his sentences. He resonated. So, I did my usual - I looked him up.
I expectated him to be a Western spiritual guru like Alan Watts. Yes, he is, but he spans a broader spectrum. He's also an entrepreneur (founded a few corporate enterprises), a best-selling author (PhiloMath) and an inventor with several patents. He is also an artist, sculptor, music theorist, and musician. He is adept in biology, DNA combinatorics, number theory, geometry, and physics. Whoa! A renaissance man in the 21st century? Is this guy for real?
"If you spot it, you got it"
Listening to a podcast with Robert Edward Grant after doing yoga at the old airport, he said something that hit a cord, 'If you spot it, you got it'. What does this mean? It means if you find something unpleasant about someone, and it's only you noticing that, then in all probability, you're projecting your unwanted traits to someone. There is something in you that you don't desire but perhaps oblivious to or in denial. Hmmm. I had to ponder long and hard about this recurring truth. Have I been projecting the whole time about these guys who made it to my 'asshole' list?
Why is it just me?
Often, I would meet someone and then develop an aversion to that person because he/she is too competitive, narcissistic, antagonistic, etc. I can find justification. But I also ponder. Why am I the only one seeing that? If that person is truly what I see in them, then others should see it too. But they don't. Conclusion? I must be projecting my bad habits/traits on them. Now that I've stumbled upon this, it makes me think back about these people and identify exactly what I don't like about them. And ask myself if I have those traits.
Psychological projection
People often unconsciously dislike something about themselves - they project that 'something' to others as a defense mechanism. It can be expressed as pointing blame (instead of owning your transgression), quick to spot flaws in others, being a sour grape, and a whole host of other finger-pointings.
Ending Thoughts
In yoga, setbacks or suffering is life's way to call your attention to what needs to be fixed in you. It's not about them, it's about you. If we are to evolve, if our purpose in having a human experience is to learn lessons we ought to, then we have to pay attention and do something about us - not them. It makes perfect sense to me. Of course, objectifying that hurt and viewing it as a test is not easy - it's a lot easier to just point the blame on the other guy. I hope I keep this awareness when I stumble upon an 'asshole' again.
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