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2023 archive

August 2023 Blogs

Aug Chronicles: CDO produce Slice of Life

Aug Chronicles: CDO produce

(August 31, 2023) Pleasant surprises, mangoes galore, heavy downpour....that's August in Siquijor. With the changing of the months come changes in the season and fruits. But lechon remains a constant...more »»

My August Yoga Practice: a Journal Yoga

My August Yoga Practice: a Journal

(August 1-30, 2023) I thought I would OBE in August through repeated sessions in my daily practice. But it didn't happen. Even so, it made me proficient in my meditation. This doesn't dampen my resolve. I will continue my daily progression in Hemi-Sync until I finish the program...more »»

Siquijor Star Meditation Center Meditation

Siquijor Star Meditation Center

(Aug 31, 2023) Siquijor's first meditation center had a ribbon-cutting high up in the mountain to celebrate its opening. Meditators of many creeds came and celebrated - Vipassana meditators included...more »»

The Lost Dogs of Siquijor Slice of Life

The Lost Dogs of Siquijor

(Aug 27, 2023) Siquijor has an over population of neglected dogs. They walk the main roads or cluster in their territorial areas. Puppies are left abandoned along isolated roads. Dogs are a serious problem here and nobody seems to notice...more »»

Moving to a Bungalow! Slice of Life

Moving to a Bungalow!

(Aug 22, 2023) After 7 months in a room, the adjacent bungalow within the compound became vacant. For just a marginal increase in rent, I'd have my own privacy and my own space - and commit to settling down. The last time I moved to a house to settle-in was in 2010 in Dumaguete - 13 years ago...more »»

Off to Davao (Siquijor Break) Traveling

Off to Davao (Siquijor Break)

(Aug 12-19, 2023) August in Davao City is special because it's durian season. No place beats Davao when it comes to durian - it's ground-zero for the best durian. Feeling a little lost myself in Siquijor, it was an opportune time to travel and renew perspective...more »»

Cagayan de Oro: Passing Through Traveling

Cagayan de Oro: Passing Through

(Aug 13/20, 2023) En route to Davao from Siquijor, I had to pass through Cagayan de Oro. I love this place and I stayed here for over 3 months back in 2013. It would be good to be back and reminisce the good times...more »»

Iligan City: Passing Through Traveling

Iligan City: Passing Through

(Aug 12/19, 2023) Going to Davao from Siquijor, I had to pass through Iligan. Aside from being there twice in the past to visit Ma. Christina Falls and Tinago Falls, I haven't really explored the city. Maybe staying a day would be good...more »»

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Yoga Book Review

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

(Aug 8-???, 2023) The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali have been the classic reference and standard in the practice of Raja Yoga - yoga of the mind. Beyond asana, this book underscores the importance of ethics/morality (Yama/Niyama) and meditation. In this book, Sri Swami Satchidananda gives his commentary...more »»

Kriya: Wim Hof-Maha Vedha Yoga

Kriya: Wim Hof-Maha Vedha

(Aug 6, 2023) This 'assembed' kriya is one of the most powerful in Kundalini awakening. It consists of the Wim Hof pranayama and Maha vedha mudra. Complementing that is the Maha mudra and Maha bandha. These are designed to activate prana flow, awaken Kundalini and reverse the aging process...more »»

Yoga Yajnavalkya Yoga Book Review

Yoga Yajnavalkya

(Aug 1 - Sep 18, 2023) Yoga Yajnavalkya is one of the earliest known text on yoga between husband and wife, yogi Yajnavalkya and his wife Gargi discussing yoga...more »»

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