a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

2022 archive

April 2022 Blogs

April Chronicles 2022 lucid

April Chronicles 2022

(Apr 30, 2022) Life in April in Chiang Mai has been rolling on a steady hum...nothing explosive, a few turns on the revolving door with its peoplescape, yoga, icebath, live music, pizza and blogging. And yeah, I got another visa extension.....more »»

Tombstone Epitaph lucid

Tombstone Epitaph

(Apr 29, 2022) It was in one of my morning coffee conversations with Jeanne that she talked about putting up a cafe where coffee clients can submit a tombstone epitaph - the best get to be posted on a 'tombstone' wall on the cafe. It got me thinking, 'how would others write theirs?'....more »»

Pizza Nite with Jerry, Paolo and Abby Pizza

Pizza Nite with Jerry, Paolo and Abby

(Apr 9, 2022) All friends who came were Pizza Nite virgins - their first time into my fun culinary tradition. We had the gluten-free dough, the biga dough and my poolish dough. Vegan pizza, seafood pizza, quattro formaggi pizza...simply delectable. But all that was exceeded by the joyous and engaging atmosphere that went on from 5:30pm to about midnight. Friends, pizza, storytelling and a load of laughs...Chiang Mai...Chiang Mai!....more »»

Tom Maher's Muay Thai Fight people

Tom Maher's Muay Thai Fight

(Apr 8, 2022) Tom left for the US when the lockdown was lifted, but now he's back in Chiang Mai. He attended my ABS Class once and he just disappeared. Weeks later, I got a message from him, 'I’ve been training hard and have my first fight this Friday, come by and watch if you’re free! It will be at the new Decathlon'. Whoa!....more »»

Krishnamacharya: his Life and Teachings Book Review Yoga Peoplescape

Krishnamacharya: his Life and Teachings

(Apr 7, 2022) This book comes from Krishnamacharya's direct lineage - his student of 18 years (1971 to 1989), A.G. Mohan. Here, Mohan clarifies ambiguities and explains the legendary stories surrounding this great master. The book is focused on the master's life and teaching about Asana, Pranayama, Kriyas, Yoga Therapy and the Mind.....more »»

Breathwork + Icebath @ Alt_Chiangmai yoga

Breathwork + Icebath @ Alt_Chiangmai

(Apr 6, 2022) With Kevin's departure, I was the default guy to take over Jason's Wednesday Zen Strength Breathwork & Ice Bath at Alt_Chiangmai. 5 people showed up. I adhered to the established routine but only on the first round of breathing. After, I shifted gear into hacking the Wim Hof protocol to instill my yogic hacks. Something wonderful happened to me after my icebath!....more »»

Yoga with Leo yoga

Yoga with Leo

(Apr 5, 2022) Leo was referred to me by a former student, Nana. Leo is in his mid-30s, smart, savvy but out of shape and needs to lose weight. He's smart enough to take action on this and decided his route will be through yoga. He is focused and motivated.....more »»

The Kid with a Porsche Cayman Coupe verbatim

The Kid with a Porsche Cayman Coupe

(Apr 1, 2022) When the young couple left, the guy of about 25 years, drove off on a stunning Porsche Cayman Coupe. A friend remarked that he was too young to be driving a Porsche. I agreed - then realized something.....more »»

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