a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

2022 archive

March 2022 Blogs

March Chronicles 2022 lucid

March Chronicles 2022

(Mar 31, 2022) With my decision not to extend anymore in Thailand, March is all about tying up loose ends. There is a heightened sense of urgency and intentional walk-away from promising things whose fruition lies beyond my timeline. Still, life offers a continuing stream of opportunities with people and events - from those who are likewise on departure mode...more »»

Street Photo art

Street Photo

(Mar 31, 2022) Every once in a while I become aware of my surroundings and take notice of what's in my visual frame. Some scenes beckon and I simply have to stop on my tracks and attempt to capture the image in pixels.....more »»

Peoplescape people


(Mar 31, 2022) As my departure came closer, more people seemed to crowd into my peoplescape, mostly from the breathwork biohacker community, one nimman yoga community, crypto community. Some of them mature, carrying with them knowledge, life experience and insight - wonderful people I wish I met sooner.....more »»

Chiang Mai's Recovering Music Scene Music

Chiang Mai's Recovering Music Scene

(Mar 31, 2022) The opening of My Bar with live music Fridays and Saturdays, Chiang Mai's bar music scene seems to be in full swing now. Boy Blues Bar is open most days of the week with Sunday as its open mic jam. My Secret Cafe is back to 2 bands now on Tuesdays. North Gate has long opened with Thapae East as well...more »»

Yoga and Fitness yoga

Yoga and Fitness

(Mar 26, 2022) I'd been a regular at one nimman - free yoga with good teachers on Sundays, Mondays and Wednesdays. Tuesdays would be Body Combat. Saturdays would of course be my teaching day where I employ ABS-asanas, Wim Hof breathing, HIIT and meditation.....more »»

Street Photo art

Street Photo

(Mar 31, 2022) Every once in a while I become aware of my surroundings and take notice of what's in my visual frame. Some scenes beckon and I simply have to stop on my tracks and attempt to capture the image in pixels.....more »»

Friday Bitcoin Meetups learning

Friday Bitcoin Meetups

(Mar 18, 2022) I've remained on the fence with Bitcoin - neither immersing myself into the scene nor walking away from it. Even with no coin in my wallet, I find it alluring. In keeping with the frantic pace by which the industry is evolving, I tried attending the Friday night Bitcoin meetups at Sababa Hummus Resto. Maybe I find new perspective to make some gains.....more »»

Pizza Nite with Aida and Sophie Pizza

Pizza Nite with Aida and Sophie

(Mar 14, 2022) With Aida and Sophie making a quick stop in Chiang Mai, Pizza Nite beckoned. Poor Sophie had a tooth extraction and didn't really enjoy the food. But it was a good catch-up with Aida, and perhaps the last hurrah as well before my departure...more »»

Pizza Nite with Kevin, Jamie and Kris Pizza

Pizza Nite with Kevin, Jamie and Kris

(Mar 10, 2022) With Kevin/Jamie's looming departure for Canada, and my eventual departure too in a few weeks, it was more of a last-hurrah Pizza Nite. With Kris joining us, it was a night of biohacker talk, previous lives talk (DJ, metal-head), with so much pizza coming out of our ears!....more »»

In Search of Genetic Immortality Lucid Thoughts

In Search of Genetic Immortality

(Mar 5, 2022) My neighbor cares for her plants - she waters them regularly, and now they are tall and flowering. BUT, the plants chose to reach over to my side of the fence to bloom their flowers. The seeds will fall and germinate on my side of the fence. Their genetic immortality is assured, but perhaps in a more nurturing environment...more »»

Movie Review: Lincoln (2012) movies

Movie Review: Lincoln (2012)

(Mar 3, 2022) This documentary took a snippet from the ongoing bloody Civil War and Lincoln's resolve to abolish slavery permanently by passing into law, the 13th Amendment to the constitution. Lincoln was depicted as a man of moral fortitude, a man of resolve, a clever strategist, a husband and a father.....more »»

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