a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

2022 archive

February 2022 Blogs

February Chronicles 2022 lucid Peoplescape

February Chronicles 2022

(Feb 28, 2022) Since Jan 2, 2019, except for occassional visa-runs and Covid stranding (in Nong Khai), Chiang Mai has been home - my oasis, my paradise, my Shangrila. These last 3 years felt like a lifetime of abundance, introspection, evolution, growth and an unexpected transformational struggle. But like everything else, it cannot last forever. I had to tie up loose ends and brace myself for the next chapter.....more »»

Palm-Feeding Wild Birds snapshot

Palm-Feeding Wild Birds

(Feb 26, 2022) It started off seeing a Youtube video of a girl who attracted wild birds onto her balcony by feeding them. Before long, different birds would stop by bringing their friends with them. At some point, they started feeding off her palm. It was fascinating. One day, I noticed 2 birds who regurly feed off my garden. What happened next is predictable...more »»

Movie Review: Queen's Gambit (2020) movies

Movie Review: Queen's Gambit (2020)

(Feb 25, 2022) You don't even have to know chess to appreciate this movie. It's not even a comparable genre, but I would put this tv series along the likes of Game of Thrones. The way this movie was done showed careful attention to pacing, consistency with the film's energetic output, integrity of character and triumph of the human spirit without the tethering of cheesy cuddly moments.....more »»

Cuckoo verbatim


(Feb 16, 2022) While toasting to all the crazy cuckoos of the world, one teacher specified to whom we were toasting for. My jaw dropped and I rolled down laughing on the floor.....more »»

Tell John verbatim

Tell John

(Feb 16, 2022) In an icebath event hosted by Biohacker Jason Ryer, Kevin was nearing his 7-minute threshold when Jason told him something about John (whoever John is).....more »»

Pizza Nite with Kris, Simona and Mary food Pizza

Pizza Nite with Kris, Simona and Mary

(Jan 24, 2022) With my visa extension coming to an end, there is now a sense of urgency in everything - Pizza Nite included! The more Pizza Nites, the better. In a way, it's also a goodbye to the friends I'll be leaving behind.....more »»

Pizza Nite with the Chiang Mai Boyz food Pizza

Pizza Nite with the Chiang Mai Boyz

(Feb 6, 2022) Pizza Nites in Chiang Mai have always been dominated by female friends. Now, it's an all-male revue from yoga and the biohackers group. All of them Pizza Nite virgins!....more »»

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