a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

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Bohol Yoga Festival

2020 archive

July 2020 Blogs

Shifting Peoplescape of Chiang Mai people

Shifting Peoplescape of Chiang Mai

(July 31, 2020) Chiang Mai has been resuming normalcy from the Covid lockdown. Events are back and people are beginning to come out. Yoga in the Park is now daily. Chiang Mai Blues Band is now gigging at My Bar and Thaphae East. I saw old friends who managed to stay intact during the lockdown. Some were stuck somewhere else awaiting for Thailand's borders to open up again. The first order of the day was to let old friends know I was back. I've already invited a few for a catch-up at Nawa Saraan or just around the bend at EM16 Bar.....more »»

Yoga Class for Strength and Muscle yoga

Yoga Class for Strength and Muscle

(Jul 30, 2020) Yoga was never designed to build muscles. But if you already practice yoga and want to build strength and muscles at the same time, then why not combine the best of both worlds? Building muscles while practicing yoga does not necessarily mean compromising the goal of yoga.....more »»

Yoga Class for Optimum Digestion yoga

Yoga Class for Optimum Digestion

(July 29, 2020) If you eat 3 meals a day and don't poop 3 times a day, you are constipated. Yoga has a system to cleanse the digestive system, increase digestive metabolism and enhance absorption of nutrients.....more »»

Yoga Class for Healthy Eyes yoga

Yoga Class for Healthy Eyes

(Jul 27, 2020) Our eyes are muscles that can be exercised for clearer vision and strength. This class uses traditional yoga eye exercises and conventional vision therapy to enhance eyesight and bring back that glow.....more »»

Hippie Night at Nawa Saraan Healing Space chilling-out in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Hippie Night at Nawa Saraan Healing Space

(July 24, 2020) Making the most of my stay in Chiang Mai, which could abruptly end by July 31, depending on extended visa exemption, I thought I'd come out of the hippie closet and host a fun-filled night with friends. Why not call it a Hippie Night?....more »»

Alan Strydom Chiang Mai, Thailand

The Podcast Series: Alan "Heart Math" Strydom

(Jul 17, 2020) In a Zeitgeist of emergent mind-expansion modalities, Heart Math comes along with the endorsement of 2 biggies in the conscious landscape - Gregg Braden and Dr. Joe Dispenza. How is Heart Math different from all the rest? Who needs Heart Math? To get the low-down, I sat down with Heart Math Director, Lead Trainer, and Master Coach Alan Strydom....more »»

Prana Vayu Adhitthana Yoga Class yoga

Prana Vayu Adhitthana Yoga Class

(July 11-12, 2020) An advanced yoga class consisting of breath-holds (kumbhaka) and locks (bandha) to move energy (prana vayu) and challenging asana-holds to strengthen the mind (adhitthana)...more »»

Movie Review: Jojo Rabbit (2019) movies

Movie Review: Jojo Rabbit (2019)

(July 11, 2020) A light-hearted comedy/drama about a fanatic Hitler youth with an imaginary friend and a Jew-assisting mother who eventually sees the true nature of war.....more »»

Movie Review: The Kingmaker (2019) movies

Movie Review: The Kingmaker (2019)

(July 8, 2020) This is a personal movie to me because I was there on a ringside seat when former First Lady Imelda Marcos and her deceased husband, former Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos autocratically ruled the Philippines with iron hands. Together, their conjugal dictatorship ruined lives, plundered the Philippine treasury and threw the country in abject poverty...more »»

Anahata (Heart Chakra) Nong Khai, Thailand

Anahata (Heart Chakra)

(July 5, 2020) Anahata Chakra is the seat of consciousness (not the brain) where desires manifest into reality. Opening this chakra leads to intense feelings of devotion. At this level, a yogi accepts and loves all unconditionally for what they are with all its flaws and merits. He sees everyone as an actor playing his role in a play called life.....more »»

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