a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

2020 archive

June 2020 Blogs

Coming Back to Chiang Mai traveling

Coming Back to Chiang Mai

(Jun 29, 2020) Not unlike Odysseus (of the Iliad) who spent the next 10 years trying to reach home after the Trojan War, so were my frustrated attempts at coming back to Chiang Mai after the burning season - but my sojourn only lasted 2 months. Because of the Covid lockdown, it wasn't possible. In a stroke of luck, I came upon a bus trip for Chiang Mai without me even looking for it.....more »»

A First-Timer in Loei, Thailand Loei, Thailand

A First-Timer in Loei, Thailand

(Jun 27, 2020) After 8 days in Chiang Khan, it was time to move on again. Practically, the only way out of Chiang Khan and into the rest of Thailand is through the main city of Loei. What's in Loei? I don't know but I feel good about it. Problem is, the cheapest lodging in Agoda is way beyond my budget.....more »»

Alms-Round (Sai Bat) with the Buddhist Monks of Chiang Khan Chiang Khan, Thailand

Alms-Round (Sai Bat) with the Buddhist Monks of Chiang Khan

(Jun 21, 2020) Alms-giving to the monks in the early morning is a long-standing tradition in Thailand. People line-up the streets around 6am with their gifts (mostly food) and offer them to the passing monks. The monks in return betow their blessings. It's an interactive cycle that weaves spirituality to day-to-day life. Buddhism is a steeply integrated part of Thai life.....more »»

The Rapids of Kaeng Khut Khu, Chiang Khan Chiang Khan, Thailand

The Rapids of Kaeng Khut Khu, Chiang Khan

(Jun 20, 2020) Legend has it that a Lao hunter, frustrated that the white buffalo he wanted to shoot with his bow and arrow across the Mekong River into Thailand, got away because a passing boat startled it, threw rocks and boulders into the river to prevent boats from passing by again. Those same rocks are now form the layout causing rapids in this section of the river when water level is low.....more »»

Ascending Phu Thok Hill Viewpoint Chiang Khan, Thailand

Ascending Phu Thok Hill Viewpoint

(Jun 20, 2020) A popular attraction in Chiang Khan is viewing the sunrise from the top of Phu Thok Hill. A thick blanket of clouds mantle the view with mountain peaks piercing through the clouds. And then the sun peaks through the mountain horizon.....more »»

Chiang Khan Promenade by the Mekong River Chiang Khan, Thailand

Chiang Khan Promenade by the Mekong River

(Jun 19, 2020) Before the sun sets, the best place in Chiang Khan is to walk along the promenade and wait for the setting sun. On one side of the promenade is the tranquil Mekong River and on the other side are the fancy hotels overlooking the river.....more »»

Rummaging Through the Walking Street of Chiang Khan, Loei Chiang Khan, Thailand

Rummaging Through the Walking Street of Chiang Khan, Loei

(Jun 19, 2020) The main draw of Chiang Khan would be 2 things: the Walking Street and the Promenade. For animation much like the typical night markets of Thailand, but in a more manicured setting, a night of rummaging through Chiang Khan's boutiques, food stalls, cafes, bars and buskers make it a popular destination.....more »»

A First-Timer in Chiang Khan, Loei, Thailand Chiang Khan, Thailand

A First-Timer in Chiang Khan, Loei, Thailand

(Jun 18, 2020) Frustrated from the unavailability of bus service from Nong Khai to Chiang Mai, I just decided to take the bus for a place I just heard about in a conversation - Chiang Khan. It's a river town along the Mekong, 5 hours northeast from Nong Khai. What's there? I don't know. I don't care. I just needed to be out of Nong Khai.....more »»

Nong Khai - Chiang Khan Roadtrip Chiang Khan, Thailand

Nong Khai - Chiang Khan Roadtrip

(June 18, 2020) Why was I staying too long in Nong Khai? Was it really the unavailability of a bus for Chiang Mai? I wondered if I was being afraid of leaving my safety net in Nong Khai where I was enjoying a good hostel deal and other perks. That realization was a slap-in-the-face I needed to pack-up and leave.....more »»

Life in Nong Khai Nong Khai, Thailand

Life in Nong Khai

(Mar 13 - June 18, 2020) With my continued stay in Nong Khai, many things unfolded. The world has been ravaged by Covid 19, but Nong Khai has remained resilient with prudent measures in place - no night market, big gatherings are cancelled, and the closure of the Laos border. I comfortably entrenched myself within the garden compound of Mut Mee Garden Guest House.....more »»

Peoplescape of Nong Khai Nong Khai, Thailand

Peoplescape of Nong Khai

(Jun 17, 2020) With the Covid lockdown and the isolation of Nong Khai, there wasn't much of any socials happening. Still, my 3-month stay amounted to meeting some interesting souls.....more »»

My Studies with Sri Krishnamacharya by Srivatsa Ramaswami Yoga

My Studies with Sri Krishnamacharya by Srivatsa Ramaswami

(Jun 14, 2020) I'm a big devotee of T. Krishnamacharya. I can't get enough of his materials, even though his writings are often cryptic, elliptical (than direct), bigger than life and sometimes vague. Once in a while, I get a glimpse of him through the lenses of some of his students. This one is a treat from Srivatsa Ramaswami.....more »»

Dr. Joe Dispenza: Activating the Pineal Gland pineal gland

Dr. Joe Dispenza: Activating the Pineal Gland

(Jun 11, 2020) Dr. Joe Dispenza explains how we can control our breathing to activate our pineal gland to transform our being from survival to that of creation. Essentially, without using esoteric words, he is saying our access to enhancing our being is through the pineal gland.....more »»

Exploring Nong Khai's Cafe Culture Nong Khai, Thailand

Exploring Nong Khai's Cafe Culture

(Jun 10, 2020) With the COVID-imposed lockdown easing up, cafes began opening up. Cafes are not a conspicuous feature of Nong Khai, but you find cafes with distinct personalities - charming, cute, artsy and expansive, and utilitarian.....more »»

Nong Khai Street Art Nong Khai, Thailand

Nong Khai Street Art

(June 4, 2020) Far from being mainstream, Nong Khai street art is nowhere except on 3 obscure locations. But it's a promising start. Given the right push, it could snowball into a trend that might give Penang a run for its money.....more »»

Wim Hof: Mind Over Physiology Nong Khai, Thailand

Wim Hof: Mind Over Physiology

(June 1, 2020) Wim Hof is popularly known as the Iceman. But that is just describing the tip of the iceberg. What I find compelling about him is that he was able to shortcut the benefits of prayama from years of practice into a matter of days, being able to gain control of his physiology in the process...more »»

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