a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

2013 April archive

April 2013 Blogs

Summer Peace Festival 2013 at Cagayan de Oro Counter Culture Traveling

Summer Peace Festival 2013 at Cagayan de Oro

(Apr 26-28, 2013) The poster talked about music, culture, nature, spirituality, freedom, art, peace and yoga. It got my attention. I haven't been to a local event like this. Images of Woodstock and Burning Man filled my mind...of course, tempered by the veiled influence of culture, church and government. I was equally curious how interactive, how fluid and how open such a local scene would be like...more »»

Visiting Maria Cristina Falls, Iligan Traveling

Visiting Maria Cristina Falls, Iligan

(Apr 24, 2013) The 98-meter high waterfall in the Philippines is the 8th highest in the country and sits in the forested area of Iligan just a short jeep ride from the city proper. The area within the waterfall has been developed to include a canopy walk, ziplining, and soon, white water rafting. Iligan boasts of 23 waterfalls, thus the nickname, City of Majestic Waterfalls...more »»

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Chavez's Death...Inoculated Cancer? thoughtbubble

Chavez's Death...Inoculated Cancer?

(Apr 7, 2013) I couldn't help but think that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez would soon be dead of 'natural causes' after delivering a speech to the UN Assembly in September 2006 where he called then-US president George W. Bush, the 'devil'. Chavez has long been a critic of the USA and its foreign policy. True enough, Hugo Chavez is now dead of cancer....more »»

Abundance and Letting Go Lucid Thoughts Traveling

Abundance and Letting Go

(Apr 5, 2013) Unlike most places where I can leave without thinking twice, Cagayan de Oro is special. I had to think many times over if I would be stupid enough to leave this place that has been spontaneously overflowing with abundance...more »»

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