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Bohol Yoga Festival

Country > Philippines > Bohol > Tagbilaran
Date > 2025 > January
Activity > Yoga


Siddhi-Activation through Chakra Meditation / Chakra Mantra  Chanting / Kaya Kalpa Visualization / Gateway Process January 2025

Siddhi-Activation through Chakra Meditation / Chakra Mantra Chanting / Kaya Kalpa Visualization / Gateway Process

Location Google Map: Tagbilaran, Bohol, Philippines

Mild Congestion
End of 2024 to mid-January, I had a mild congestion preventing me from my usual Hatha Yoga routine. Perhaps it was timely or made to be so I could take a different direction in pursuing Siddhi activation through chakra meditation and vivid imagery using the Holographic Universe principle in emulating Kaya Kalpa rejuvenation. Instead of going to CPG Park to do my yoga, I just wake up around 4 am and do my chakra meditation on my bed - for an hour. Sometimes, I would alternate with pranayama, bandha, and mudra to reset my mind when it felt like getting mechanical. But I don't stop until I hear my 1-hour alarm sound. Usually, I would be too spaced out to resume my sleep and wake up when the sun is high.

Chakra Meditation
In pure meditation, I shouldn't be adding pranayama or bandha, but I need the intensity to inevitably add it. This particular chakra meditation is lifted from the teachings in Kundalini Yoga by Sri Sivananda. There are many ways I do this but generally, on an in-breath hold, I engage the three bandhas - Jalandhara bandha, Mula bandha and Uddiyana bandha (in that order). I begin visualizing pressure and heat on the Muladhara chakra (envisioning a spinning lotus flower with 4 red petals with an inverted triangle inside and a white serpent inside this triangle coiled 3.5 times facing down), The heat awakens the coiled Kundalini serpent and it straightens up. A blinding ball of fire ensues creating intense heat. On the slow exhale, I release the bandhas. The Kundalini stays in this chakra (Muladhara). On the next inhale, I again engage the bandhas and visualize the Kundalini rising up along the Sushumna Nadi while its tail remains anchored on the Muladhara chakra. It reaches the Svadisthana chakra (I envision a spinning lotus flower with 6 vermillion petals) and lights it up to a ball of fire as well (I also emulate the feel of heat building up inside me from the chakras). This light radiates in all directions within the body. On the exhale, I release the bandhas. The Kundalini stays at Svadisthana chakra. I keep going up along the Sushumna (Muladhara, Svadisthana, Manipuraka, Anahata, Vishuddhi, Ajna, Sahasrara) to the next chakra. When it finally reaches the Sahasrara, this is the only time I begin to slowly exhale through an imagined opening at the top of the head, with my consciousness also leaving with my breath. By doing this, I'm also triggering an out-of-body experience. The long breath hold leaves me exhausted after one hour. Usually, I cannot last one hour doing this so I mix-and-match with other techniques.

Chakra Mantra Chanting
Another way of activating Siddhis through the chakra system is by chakra chanting. Each chakra has its bija mantra (seed syllable) and a corresponding hand mudra as well. I always begin with the Muladhara chakra. While in Padmasana or Siddhasana, with fingers on Prithvi mudra (earth element mudra, same as Muladhara) I do an in-breath hold, engage Maha bandha mudra, envisioning that the pressure and heat from the bandha is awakening the Kundalini. I chant the LAM bija mantra on the exhale.

On the next in_breath, I hold it again, do Maha bandha mudra, and I envision the Kundalini going up to the next chakra - Svadisthana and the ball of fire ensues while my hands are now on Varun mudra. I imagine the fire intensifying as I continue to hold the breath. On the exhale, I chant the VAM bija mantra. Again, I keep doing this on all the chakras until I reach the Sahasrara.

Why not Just combine Chakra Meditation with Mantra Chanting?
In theory, it sounds streamlined. But I tried it and it got too busy and I was running out of air before I could complete the steps consisting of visualizing form, color, spin, elements, mudra, bija mantra while doing kumbhaka, bandha, and mudra. I was too busy thinking what to do next instead of just being immersed in the experience. By separating, I devote quality time each modality. I sink into the space/time without my mind racing.

Kaya Kalpa Visualization
In this method, I combine the visualized healing protocols of Kaya Kalpa and the visualization principles of the Holographic Universe model. With as much vivid imagery, I go through the process of herbal paste massage, skin brushing, herbal oil massage, rasa shastra (ingestion of metallic substances), oil dripping on the Ajna chakra, immersion on warm herbal bath and pranayama/mantra chanting. While I envision the imagery, I tether myself to the 2D source code of this holographic 3D reality to transcend the limits of conventional reality. This aids in manifesting the envisioned outcome.

Gateway Process
This was not in the plan, but it presented itself. Gateway Process is a DIY system developed by Robert Monroe to have an out-of-body experience (OBe). In a declassified CIA document, it was revealed that the CIA used this program to train its psychic spies. I've dabbled with the GP back in April 27 - May 2, 2023. No, I didn't have an OBE. But the video popped up as I was on YouTube, so once again, I came back to it, but this time, doing 3 to 4 tracks in one sitting. I'm still in the process of aggregating this modality to my daily meditation, but it's getting busier and busier. So far, still no OBE.

Ending Thoughts
My practice is unique and exhausting because I am cramming a lot of things at the same time - chakra visualization, chanting, bandha, mudra, pranayama, out-of-body triggers, trataka, etc. I'm not really sure if I am creating synergies or adding clutter. But I don't feel any internal red flag in this 'pizza overload' approach. In fact, it sharpens my mind because of the focus I have to employ to make everything act in synchrony.

--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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