a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

2021 archive

May 2021 Blogs

Not the Usual Day-to-Day Life sliceoflife

Not the Usual Day-to-Day Life

(May 31, 2021) After 2 years staying at Nawa Saraan in Chiang Mai, I have developed my daily routine. But every once in a while, something out of the usual happens.....more »»

Morphing Peoplescape of Chiang Mai people

Morphing Peoplescape of Chiang Mai

(May 31, 2021) Still reeling from Covid lashback, life continues to hum nicely along this slice of paradise on God's green earth....wih warm company from dear friends.....more »»

Breathwork & Ice Bath with Jason Ryer of Zen Strength yoga

Breathwork & Ice Bath with Jason Ryer of Zen Strength

(May 23, 2021) I was pleasantly surprised to learn that there is another guy in Chiang Mai hosting ice baths - Jason Ryer of Zen Strength. Hmmmm. Last time I did an ice bath at the Draper Startup House, I stayed on for 12 minutes. How long can I hold it this time?....more »»

It's Raining Bell Peppers food

It's Raining Bell Peppers

(May 7, 2021) Bell peppers were once again on sale at Mueang Mai Market - Baht for a huge bushel! Possibilities? Bell pepper juice, bell pepper bread, stuffed bell pepper, bell pepper pizza, etc. Time to roll-up the sleeves in the kitchen.....more »»

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