a seeker in search of Easter Eggs
2019 archive

May 2019 Blogs

Vinyasa Happy Flow Series by Vaida yoga

Vinyasa Happy Flow Series by Vaida

(May 31, 2019) Vaida is the newest teacher who came into Chiang Mai with her unique brand of yoga. As a fitness personal trainer with a dance background, she conducts her classes with unmistakable elements of fitness and dance...more »»

Muay Thai at the Chiang Mai Boxing Stadium traveling

Muay Thai at the Chiang Mai Boxing Stadium

(May 30, 2019) You simply cannot visit Chiang Mai and not see a Muay Thai fight. Muay Thai is simply part of Thai culture and a must-see for travelers. One venue close to Old City is the Chiang Mai Boxing Stadium where you see Muay Thai fighters deliver punches, elbows and knees....more »»

Yoga Flow Through the 7 Chakras by Sabrina Pilz yoga

Yoga Flow Through the 7 Chakras by Sabrina Pilz

(May 30, 2019) Sabrina has been conducting a series of yoga classes themed on the 7 chakras - or energy centers of the body. Both body and mind go into a Vinyasa flow underscoring the individual chakras from head to foot. She incorporates guided meditation and affirmation in the 90-minute practice.....more »»

The Outsiders people

The Outsiders

(people you need to push out of your sacred circle)

(May 31, 2019) The world is full of magnificent lives that have enriched my life - fascinating people who make up my peoplescape as I cover ground in my travels. As a general rule, everyone is a friend I haven't met yet. But inevitably, I also come across those who need to be pushed out of my sacred space to keep my peace and bliss...more »»

Fascinating Peoplescape of Chiang Mai II people

Fascinating Peoplescape of Chiang Mai II

(May 22, 2019) Chiang Mai's peoplescape continues to be shaped by people who come in and out of Chiang Mai, much like a revolving door. As old people leave, new ones come in, painting a vibrant picture of this wonderful place many call home.....more »»

World Meditation Day at Heart Space meditation

World Meditation Day at Heart Space

(May 21, 2019) Heart Space celebrated World Meditation Day by offering free meditation to the public. In attendance were people mostly from the Conscious community of Chiang Mai. Gabriella Nagi hosted the event and led the meditation instilling a profound sense of connection with everyone within the circle.....more »»

Movie Review: Avengers: Endgame (2019) movies

Movie Review: Avengers: Endgame (2019)

(May 14, 2019) The saga continues between the Avengers and Thanos' together with his/ rogues gallery. This movie is an all-star cast. Any super hero or villain worth his salt is here. I would even speculate that they were inspired by Game of Thrones. There were a few emotional tugs and pulls but the main draw was the loss of an iconic hero. Who? Watch the movie!....more »»

Movie Review: Arctic (2018) movies

Movie Review: Arctic (2018)

(May 13, 2019) Arctic is such an under-rated movie that has come in the shadow of the block buster Avenger movie. But this movie was so intense from start to finish. It felt like a torsional twist that kept getting wound-up tighter and tighter unrelentingly as the movie played out. You have to see this!....more »»

Abs Yoga by Gigit yoga

Abs Yoga by Gigit

(May 12, 2019) Core is widely coveted but seldom achieved. A well developed core is not only pretty on the beach, but also functional. I conducted my usual yoga practice into the class with more emphasis on a 360° core....more »»

Kundalini and Vinyasa Yoga with Nicola Symons yoga

Kundalini and Vinyasa Yoga with Nicola Symons

(May 10, 2019) Odd, but I only attended 2 classes by Nicola - Kundalini and Vinyasa. But those were enough to leave a lingering impression that reminded me of the rock star yoga teachers in Ubud, Bali. No, it's not about Hollywood but being up in your game to command the stage and be globally in demand.....more »»

Secret Sunrise Interactive Dance cc

Secret Sunrise Interactive Dance

(May 9, 2019) Secret Sunrise is an outdoor interactive dance where people wear headphones while a DJ guides them through the session as the music plays. Participants dance their hearts out but only they hear the music. To the curious onlookers, they could only speculate what the madness is all about.....more »»

Tok Sen Massage from Ying massage

Tok Sen Massage from Ying

(May 8, 2019) Tok Sen is an unusual massage Thai practice that uses a wooden hammer and wedge from the tamarind tree. The wedge is rhythmically tapped into energy lines of the body (Sen lines) to promode healing and restoration. I had such therapy from Ying who has been doing this for over 10 years.....more »»

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