a seeker in search of Easter Eggs
2019 archive

July 2019 Blogs

Kaleidoscope of Chiang Mai's Peoplescape people

Kaleidoscope of Chiang Mai's Peoplescape III

(July 27, 2019) As I continue my new lease on life here in beautiful Chiang Mai, I take ringside seat to a kaleidoscope of its wonderful denizens as we cross paths - some for the here-and-now, and hopefully, some for the long term.....more »»

Movie Review: Anna (2019) movies

Movie Review: Anna (2019)

(July 15, 2019) Anna is the latest incarnation of the female James Bond assassin who single-handedly combats entire legions of heavily armed and trained soldiers and come out victorious...and mildly bruised.....more »»

Secret Sunrise: Water counter culture

Secret Sunrise: Water

(July 3, 2019) What makes Secret Sunrise special is for once, I am taken out of my head and into my heart - just feeling the freedom, feeling the good vibe and feeling good about everything. Here, there is no intellectualizing and no rationalizing. The clever mind is simply out of place. Thus, it takes a back seat and let the heart take its rightful place...more »»

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