a seeker in search of Easter Eggs
2019 archive

August 2019 Blogs

The Conscious Peoplescape of Chiang Mai peoplescape

The Conscious Peoplescape of Chiang Mai

(Aug 31, 2019) Returning from Hanoi from a visa-run, I resumed my life back in Chiang Mai and consequently take part in its shifting peoplescape...familiar faces, new ones and distant ones....more »»

Movie Review: Midsommar (2019) movies

Movie Review: Midsommar (2019)

(Aug 28, 2019) A group of friends are invited to partake in a rare ritual by a Swedish cult during a summer solstice when the sun never sets. This movie is such a suspense it was hard to predict what was to happen next. A very good play by play within the inner sanctum of a cult.....more »»

Movie Review: Ready or Not (2019) movies

Movie Review: Ready or Not (2019)

(Aug 22, 2019) This is an entertaining slasher film about a bride who was supposed to be a human sacrifice to comply with a pact with the devil to keeping the continued riches of a wealthy family. Her frantic and gory escape is the movie.....more »»

The 9 Jhanas of Buddha meditation

The 9 Jhanas of Buddha

(Aug 22, 2019) The story has it that in Buddha's quest for enlightenment, he reached up to the 9th Jhana but still came short of liberation. This word Jhana kept coming up in my readings. Curious, I devoted quality reading time to learn more about Jhana.....more »»

Wicked Game: Anger and Pain Verbatim

Wicked Game: Anger and Pain

(August 19, 2019) Jo and Rick both rendered amazing versions of Chris Isaac's Wicked Game. But when they're both at Boy Blues Bar, Jo would defer to Rick saying it's his song - even if I insisted and pleaded for her to sing it. Then she said something I couldn't forget...more »»

Full Moon Ceremony at Heart Space meditation

Full Moon Ceremony at Heart Space

(Aug 15, 2019) The theme for this monthly ritual is to let go of everything that held us back and open ourselves in surrender to the bigger forces at play. The rite was done through sharing, chanting, fire ceremony with every participant in a highly interactive and safe space with no judgement.....more »»

Yin Yoga - Water Element by Martina Barabas yoga

Yin Yoga - Water Element by Martina Barabas

(Aug 15, 2019) Martina's Yin Yoga sank us into the pose in complete surrender, allowing ligaments and connective tissues to get a full stretch to restore a fuller range of motion. It was a perfect harmony of asana and meditation.....more »»

Movie Review: The Art of Racing in the Rain (2019) movies

Movie Review: The Art of Racing in the Rain (2019)

(Aug 14, 2019) This movie is about a race car driver and his life ordeals - racing, being a family man, losing his wife, fighting for his child's custody, cash problems, career setbacks, etc. What's surprising is that it's all narrated by his pet dog.....more »»

Hatha Mix Yoga with Christin yoga

Hatha Mix Yoga with Christin

(Aug 13, 2019) It was Christin's debut yoga class as a teacher, which was attended to by myself and Nadja. The threat of continuing rain detered others who would have joined. While she referred to her notes on a few occasions, her class was heartfelt and authentic. It was obvious she loved yoga and wanted to impart her practice and level-up her teaching...more »»

Boy Blues Bar Rocks Chiang Mai music

Boy Blues Bar Rocks Chiang Mai

(Aug 5, 2019) Frank, a street musician I met at yoga in the park suggested I check out a "Blues bar on the second floor of the Night Bazaar" on a Monday night for the open mic jam. That changed my life in Chiang Mai!....more »»

Back to my Beloved Chiang Mai traveling

Back to my Beloved Chiang Mai

(Aug 1, 2019) After a disruptive 5-day visa run to Hanoi, I'm glad to be back again at Nawa Saraan Hotel in my beloved Chiang Mai. As a seasoned traveler, I didn't think I'd feel this way about a place, but given a new lease on life I have here in Chiang Mai, it's one place I'd love to call home.....more »»

Hanoi, the Third Time Around traveling

Hanoi, the Third Time Around

(Jul 27 - Aug 1, 2019) With my 2nd 90-day stay in Chiang Mai coming to an end, it was time to pack-up again and get a new tourist Thai visa outside Thailand. Hanoi is the default place for this.....more »»

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