a seeker in search of Easter Eggs
2018 archive

October 2018 Blogs

Surreal Odyssey at Bangkok Float Center meditation

Surreal Odyssey at Bangkok Float Center

(Oct 29/31, 2018) You don't have to go to the Dead Sea to float in extremely salty water. Here in Bangkok, the Bangkok Float Center gives you a surreal sensory stillness that is usually achieved through meditation. Your body is rebooted as the water supports your entire body weight, shape and size. It has to be experienced...more »»

Bangkok Halloween with Rinna and Steve chillout

Bangkok Halloween with Rinna and Steve

(Oct 27, 2018) I've always been a ninja during Halloween. Now, I donned a barf and elephant pants and came as a farang! Halloweens are fun. One of the few days in a year grown-ups can be kids again.....more »»

Push-Ups fitness


(Oct 22/24, 2018) One-hand push-up, deep push-up...the many ways you can play with push-ups....more »»

Pad Thai at Thip Samai, Bangkok restaurant review

Pad Thai at Thip Samai, Bangkok

(Oct 16, 2018) At least on the internet, the runaway pad thai bestseller is Thip Samai Restaurant. One site even stated that 9 out of 10 locals will mention Thip Samai as the pad thai place of choice. It was my birthday and I had been craving for pad thai the last couple of days. So I planned my bus route for this fabled pad thai place. And the verdict is....more »»

Birthday Walkabout traveling

Birthday Walkabout

(Oct 16, 2018) Okay, I'm not exactly a spring chicken anymore, I know that. But am I old now? Hmmm...let me take stock of how I am. At an age where my people my age would lug about with their beer bellies, take a handful of morning medication, struggle to climb a flight of stairs, and make frequent trips to their doctors, what do I do?...more »»

Coming to Terms with Donations lucid

Coming to Terms with Donations

(Oct 14, 2018) I have survived 6 years on the open road with very little money - but I've managed to survive. It means I can take this indefinitely. So why would I open up now for a donation? I'll call it an epiphany. And it happened just moments ago...more »»

Feelin' Da Blues at Adhere the 13th Blues Bar chill

Feelin' Da Blues at Adhere the 13th Blues Bar

(Oct 12, 2018) The Blues don't happen everyday in Asia. If it does, you have to look hard for it. But when you find it, you drop everything for it. It's my 2nd time at Adhere the 13th Blues Bar and they still have the edge. With UP buddy Chai, we drowned the Blues away with our Beerlao....more »»

Visiting the Grand Palace of Thailand traveling

Visiting the Grand Palace of Thailand

(Oct 12, 2018) The Grand Palace of Thailand was built in 1782 when King Rama sat on the throne. It served as his residence and the seat of his government. The palace system is ostentatious with all the glitter and dazzle. It houses the famous Temple of the Emerald Buddha....more »»

A Web Mandate in Bangkok traveling

A Web Mandate in Bangkok

(Oct 8, 2018) After Yangon, skyscanner's cheapest airfare was $46 for Bangkok. Again? I was there for a month just 2 weeks ago! But the die was cast. Next thing to do is secure my lodging. With a web offer that was accepted, I was assured a 30-day stay in Bangkok. Let's see what mini-life awaits.....more »»

14 Days in Yangon traveling

14 Days in Yangon

(Sept 24 - Oct 8, 2018) 14 days was almost a mini-life. I still wish I was given 30 days on my visa. I came to Yangon not knowing anyone (except David) and not knowing the place. Arriving with only $50 on my pocket, I had no expectation but gung-ho to make the most out of what's on the table.....more »»

Abs-Yoga with BeautyLand Hotel II Staff yoga

Abs-Yoga with BeautyLand Hotel II Staff

(Oct 3-7, 2018) At the onset, I already advised the owner that I'm willing to conduct a free yoga class for him, his family and his staff. He finally took me up on my offer. A space was cleared to make room for everyone. With no yoga mats, we were limited to standing poses - but that was plenty. With everyone being a first-timer, conceptual cornerstone was the order of the day....more »»

CouchSurfing in Yangon people

CouchSurfing in Yangon

(Oct 6, 2018) CouchSurfing is fairly active in Yangon, thanks to Judy Lan's efforts. I attended a meet-up at The Phayre's Gastronomy. Beer at MMK 1000 in a nicely appointed bar/cafe? I like this place! Unlike Mundo Lingo where locals dominate the scene, CouchSurfing mostly has transient travelers from all over. The mix was more diverse and fluid - most of them would be gone in a few days.....more »»

Vipassana in the Tradition of Sayagi U Ba Khin as Taught by U Ko Lay meditation

Vipassana in the Tradition of Sayagi U Ba Khin as Taught by U Ko Lay

(Oct 6, 2018) Usually, when the Vipassana tradition of Sayagi U Ba Khin is mentioned, SN Goenka is equated to be the teacher. I had a startling surprise when a Vipassana meditator said he was going to sit in the tradition of Sayagi U Ba Khin, but taught by U Ko Lay. That's when it hit me. I am in Myanmar where Goenka learned from U Ba Khin together with everyone else who attended the course. It wasn't just Goenka! He had other peers who hold the same ranking as him as an authorized Vipassana teacher...more »»

Sunrise Yoga with Jerome at Yangon Yoga House yoga

Sunrise Yoga with Jerome at Yangon Yoga House

(Oct 5, 2018) Yangon Yoga House is one of a few English yoga studios in Yangon, founded by yogi couple Jojo and Jerome. I attended Jerome's 7am Sunrise Yoga together with 3 other Caucasians. It's the first yoga class I've attended in Myanmar.....more »»

Stumbling Upon the Shwedagon Pagoda traveling

Stumbling Upon the Shwedagon Pagoda

(Oct 2, 2018) All I wanted was to take a long walk around the neighborhood. But even from a distance, I already saw the tip of the majestic Shwedagon Pagoda. I've heard from travelers it's one of the must-see in Yangon. I just didn't expect to come across it.....more »»

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