a seeker in search of Easter Eggs
Clam Chowder Pizza from Scratch on a Rice Cooker Feb 15, 2017

Clam Chowder Pizza from Scratch on a Rice Cooker

Location Google Map: Camotes Islands - San Francisco (municipality), Cebu (province), Philippines

Guerrilla Chef
Bringing my small rice cooker with me from Cebu City, I'm back to being a guerrilla chef in Camotes Islands. Armed with a Swiss Army knife, a little tenacity and a childlike curiosity, I play alchemist in my small room/office/kitchen. With the abundance of fresh picked clams by the sea, I roll-up my sleeves for my first ever Clam Chowder Pizza.

Clam Chowder Pizza from Scratch on a Rice Cooker
clam chowder pizza

Pizza Dough

Three ways to bring your pizza dough to Pizza Nite:
  1. buy uncooked pizza dough from a pizza joint (easy and fun)
  2. buy a ready-made cooked pizza crust from the grocery (easy but not fun)
  3. make your own pizza dough from scratch, as follows: (challenging and most fun)


    • 3 1/2 cups flour
    • 1 cup warm water (between 85° and 115° F)
    • 2 tbsp yeast (I like my dough a little yeasty. You can use less)
    • 2 tbsp sugar or honey (I use Muscovado sugar)
    • 1/4 cup olive oil
    • 1/2 tsp salt


    1. Making the sponge/poolish
      Mix water, sugar, yeast and 1 cup regular flour in a bowl. Cover until it starts to bubble (first rising, around 45 mins). This can now be used. However, if you want a more flavorful pizza dough, keep this covered in the fridge overnight or a full 24 hours.
    2. Kneading
      Mix the rest of the ingredients (flour, salt and oil) and start kneading (tip: press on with your body weight, not just your arm power). The dough should be soft without being sticky. Too sticky, add flour. Too hard, add water. You're done when the dough bounces back when you poke your finger onto it. Cover until double in size (2nd rising, around 45 mins).
    3. Scaling and shaping
      Punch the dough to take the air out. You can cut it up and use only what you need. You can cut it up into 3 and shape them into balls - one of those balls should be good to make one 13" regular pizza. You can freeze the 2. Flatten one ball into a circular shape. I usually flatten it on the same tray I will bake on so I don't have to make a transfer - I just apply a little oil on the tray before flattening. Using both hands, one on top of the other, press from the center outwards to stretch it in all directions. You can flatten it more by using a rolling pin (or wine bottle). Take a fork and put puncture holes all over the dough to keep it from bubbling up while cooking (which also holds the sauce in place). Wait until double in size (3rd and last rising).
    4. the dough is now ready for baking

For a more complicated pizza dough but much better, here's a video by Vito Iacopelli

Clam Chowder Tomato Sauce


I have a very small capacity rice cooker so the servings are small Preparation:


Pizza Preparation

  1. apply oil on the surface of the rice cooker to keep the dough from sticking
  2. use 1/3 of the dough, flatten it inside the rice cooker and top it with the sauce
  3. grate cheese on top
  4. put cover back and wait 30 minutes for the final rising of the dough
  5. turn the heat on and wait until the cooker turns off
  6. at this point, the dough is still not fully cooked. Turn the machine on again, this time without the cover. You may have to continue pressing on the "on" switch to keep it from turning itself on - 5 minutes
  7. the pizza should be ready. Pry it off the cooker with a wooden spatula. Serve hot and wash it down with tuba

Ending Thoughts
This is far from the ideal pizza - but it allows you to enjoy pizza without an oven using the barest essentials.

--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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if you can get one, buy tuba...goes well with pizza work on the dough first since it needs 3 risings before it can be used after kneading, the dough should be a round ball while the dough is rising, boil the clams to extract all the seafood taste from the shells after removing the shells, add the onions, garlic, peppercorns, bell pepper and carrot and bring to another boil. Then add the tomato paste form everything inside the rice cooker...dough first, ladle with the sauce and top with cheese pizza off the rice cooker watch your downloaded movie with tuba and is good

Reader Comments:

Carl JohnsonCarl South Africa
(Feb 15, 2017) In my events technical world there has always been fierce debate about the Swiss Army, Leatherman and Gerber multitools. The Swiss Army is the only one with a corkscrew so wins every time! I broke a Gerber blade opening a coconut in Cambodia.

Google Map Camotes Islands, Cebu, Philippines

tourist attractions in Camotes Island tourist attractions
  • Lake Danao Park in Camotes Island Lake Danao Park - inland twin lakes in San Francisco
  • Santiago Bay Beach in Camotes Island Santiago Bay Beach - stretch of fine white sand with a cluster of beach resorts
  • Buho Rock in Camotes Island Buho Rock - dive boards perched from a high rock outcropping, Poro
  • Tulang Diot in Camotes Island Tulang Diot - white sand beach on a tiny island just 10 minutes by boat from the main Camotes Island
  • Busay Falls in Camotes Island Busay Falls - groomed plunge pool, dirt trail walk with 2 stream crossings, Tudela
  • Capasanan Spring in Camotes Island Capasanan Spring - crystal clear open spring water source in San Jose, Poro. Free
  • Hagnaon Spring in Camotes Island Hagnaon Spring - clean drinking water coming out of the rocks, dipping pool you might share with carabaos in San Jose, Poro. Free
caves in Camotes Island caves
  • Timubo Cave in Camotes Island Timubo Cave - groomed trail inside cave with lights, swimming inside, limited penetration
  • Bukilat Cave in Camotes Island Bukilat Cave - cathedral-like caverns, top lighting from cave openings, high tide swimming
  • Holy Crystal Cave in Camotes Island Holy Crystal Cave - cave formation glitters, human bones, limited penetration
  • Paraiso Cave in Camotes Island Paraiso Cave
places in Camotes Island important spots
  • San Francisco San Francisco - town center, wet market, municipal hall, eateries, live music, bar, Baywalk
  • Poro Poro - town center of Poro Municipality, port to Cebu City and Danao
  • Tudela Tudela - town center of Tudela Municipality
  • Pilar Pilar - town center of Pilar in the island of Ponson Island
  • Consuelo Wharf Consuelo Wharf - port for Danao ships
  • Poro Port Poro Port - port for Danao and Cebu City ships
hotels in Camotes Island resort hotel

Camotes Island FYI / Tips

Camotes Island Cost Index

(US$1 = Php 49.82 as of Jan 15, 2017)
Cebu City to Camotes Island
  • via Poro - from Pier One in Cebu City, take the Ocean Jet for Poro, 2 hours, daily trip - 6am and 3pm (0936.823.8762 |0956.270.6610 | 0999.889.9999).
  • via Consuelo - from Cebu City, take the northbound bus passing through Danao and get off at the Danao Port. At the Port, take a Jomalia Shipping boat for Consuelo (San Francisco, Camotes), P220/pax, a/c, 2 hours, daily trip - 5:30am, 7:00am (special trip), 8:30am, 12:00 noon (express), 2:30pm, 5:30pm and 9:00pm (express, Fri/Sat/Sun only).

Camotes Islands to Cebu City

  1. Poro - Cebu City (fastest and most direct) - go to Poro and take the 8am or 5pm Ocean Jet to Pier One in Cebu City, P380/pax/aircon, 2 hours
  2. Consuelo - Danao - Cebu City - go to Consuelo (San Francisco) and take the Jomalia Shipping boat to Danao, P220/pax, a/c, 2 hours, daily trip - 5:30am, 7:00am (special trip), 8:30am, 12:00 noon (express), 2:30pm, 5:30pm and 9:00pm (express, Fri/Sat/Sun only). From Danao, take the Ceres Bus to Cebu City

Cebu City to Dumaguete, Negros Oriental by Boat

  • George and Peter Lines - Mon/Thur/Sat/Sun 10pm, (035)225.4337, 0922.557.1023
  • Oceanjet - via Tagbilaran, daily 6am,, 0918.898.2188
  • Cokaliong - Mon/Tue/Wed/Thur/Fri/Sat 7pm, Sun 12pm, 6 hours, (035)225.3599
Danao to Camotes Island
  • via Consuelo - at the Danao Port, take a Jomalia Shipping boat for Consuelo (San Francisco, Camotes), P220/pax, a/c, 2 hours, daily trip - 5:30am, 7:00am (special trip), 8:30am, 12:00 noon (express), 2:30pm, 5:30pm and 9:00pm (express, Fri/Sat/Sun only).
  • via Poro - at the Danao Port, take the Super Shuttle Ferry for Poro (Camotes), P?/pax, 3 hours, daily trip - 9:00am and 5:00pm (0936.823.8762 |0956.270.6610 | 0999.889.9999).

Camotes Island to Danao

  • via Consuelo - go to Consuelo (San Francisco) and take the Jomalia Shipping boat to Danao, P220/pax, a/c, 2 hours, daily trip - 5:30am, 7:00am (special trip), 8:30am, 12:00 noon (express), 2:30pm, 5:30pm and 9:00pm (express, Fri/Sat/Sun only).
  • via Poro - take the Super Shuttle Ferry in Poro (Camotes) for the Danao Port, P?/pax, 3 hours, daily trip - 5:00am and 1:00pm (0936.823.8762 |0956.270.6610 | 0999.889.9999).
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Camotes Islands Blogs by TheLoneRider

  1. Daghang Salamat (Many Thanks) Camotes Islands, Goodbye Apr 6, 2017
  2. A Culture of Noise Apr 5, 2017
  3. Exploring Tulang Diot (Little Island) Apr 2, 2017
  4. In Search of the Hidden Beach Apr 1, 2017
  5. Pizza-Making Party in Camotes Islands Mar 25, 2017
  6. Zesto and Exploited Child Labor Mar 20, 2017
  7. The Bayot (Gay) Construction Worker Mar 20, 2017
  8. Yoga Calisthenics in Camotes Islands Mar 3, 2017
  9. Bathing with the Carabaos at Hagnaon Spring, Camotes Islands Feb 28, 2017
  10. Taking a Dip at Capasanan Spring, Camotes Islands Feb 28, 2017
  11. Exploring Bukilat Cave, Camotes Islands Feb 28, 2017
  12. Exploring Tudela and Busay Falls, Camotes Islands Feb 21, 2017
  13. Settling Down in Camotes Islands Feb 19, 2017
  14. Clam Chowder Pizza from Scratch on a Rice Cooker Feb 15, 2017
  15. Exploring Timubo Cave of Camotes Islands Feb 9, 2017
  16. Exploring Holy Crystal Cave of Camotes Islands Feb 9, 2017
  17. Exploring Camotes Islands of Cebu Jan 13-14, 2017
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