Location : Manila, Philippines
Civilized Barbarians
I've always been curious about the Japanese. There is much to be admired and equally much to detest about them. I respect them for their discipline, their Bushido code of honor, work ethics, industriousness, and drive to perfection. However, there is as much to despise about their war crimes - genocide, rape, torture and inhumane cruelty. How could these 2 features be borne of the same race? I had to ask my Japanese girlfriend - at the risk of crossing the line.
Gigit: The Japanese people are a big curiosity for me. In modern times, they are perhaps the most civilized people on the planet. But during WWII, they were the most brutal barbarians with their war crimes against humanity on the public record. How could a race be so civilized and be so barbaric at the same time?
Mayu: Gigit, I can speak for the Japanese now, in these modern times. But don't ask me anything about WWII. I know nothing of what happened then.
Gigit: I know you weren't born then, but of course you learned that in school.
Mayu: WWII was taught to us in just a few days. And that's it.
Ending Thoughts
A brutal 5-year war that changed the course of human history taught in only a few days? Others have spent a lifetime dissecting this egregious episode in human history! I am equally curious what exactly was taught during those few days - that Japan was a victim? I still remember what the old people said about the Japanese occupation. It was a horrific time. I can understand why the Japanese government is sweeping this embarrassment under the rug. All governments do this - to hide the shame. The Japanese people perhaps had no choice in what happened or even knew what was happening. I can categorically say that all the Japanese people I've met are good and decent people - thus the cognitive dissonance. 2 atomic bombs were dropped on them. It stopped the war, it stopped the Japanese genocide, and it also killed over 200,000 Japanese, mostly civilians. For what? Why was that war even necessary? Humans...or should I say the very few who control humanity. Sigh!
--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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Next Time You Use my Car, Walk my Dog
(Jul 31, 2004) I developed a wonderful and meaningful connection with my half-brother upon my return to the Philippines. He looked after me, taking me to his gigs, and introduced me to his friends. That was all shattered when he uttered this one foolish, needless and reckless line - that next time I use his car, I should walk his dog. The ramification of that statement had catastrophic repercussion.....more »»
Wanna Watch Us Have Sex?
(December 1, 2005) We're gonna have sex now. You wanna stay and watch?...more »»
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