a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

2002 archive

April 2002 Blogs

My Love Affair With The Lamborghini lucid

My Love Affair With The Lamborghini

(Apr 12, 2002) The first time I laid eyes on a Countach on a magazine cover back in high school, I knew it was love at first sight. I knew it was wishful thinking at best but not entirely an impossibility. Life went on but the obsession lingered.....more »»

Orlana D'Souza: My Good Samaritan Nong Khai, Thailand

Orlana D'Souza: My Good Samaritan

(Apr 11, 2002) Orlana and I were acquainted but not close friends. But she offerred to take me home when I was so wasted from a party. She drove 3x the distance her usual route for that. Whoa! I found a Good Samaritan.....more »»

Age Paradigm mtb

Age Paradigm

(April 5, 2002) This guy Eugene, all 58 years behind him, hammered me on the flats and hammered me on the downhills. He took me to downhill runs that looked like narrow animal paths. Even hikers wouldn't dare. But he did. And seeing he could, I threw caution to the wind and I followed.....more »»

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