a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

Country > Canada > Ontario > Toronto
Date > 2024 > October
Activity > Mountain Biking | Peoplescape

Mountain Biking Peoplescape

John Stamstad: Ultra Marathon Mountain Biker October 1, 2001

John Stamstad: Ultra Marathon Mountain Biker

Location Google Map: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Living, Breathing, Experiencing John Stamstad
I pushed myself out of my rut by treating myself to hours of surfing the, breathing, experiencing John Stamstad. I was like an actor getting into a character. I could almost relive the seizing cramps I endured with my two 24-hour races (5-man team) just by reading his exploits...although my "suffering" is a paltry insignificance compared to his. He epitomizes to me what the abyss might look like when human endurance is pushed beyond what is thought to be the un-doable. No self-respecting mountain biker will not be awed by the accomplishment of one man who single-handedly broke the "can't be done" barrier in mountain biking ultra-endurance races. His name has become synonymous with PAIN...yes in big bold caps. Enjoy...immerse...soak it in.

-- Gigit

another night race John Stamstad 'Fest
Career Hightlights: Famous Stamstad quotes: Want more? Check out these links: John Stamstad

--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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Orlana D'Souza: My Good Samaritan

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