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Nov 2023 Blogs

Nov Snapshots: Bread Improver, Shoe Repair, Unsung Hero Snapshot

Nov Snapshots: Bread Improver, Shoe Repair, Unsung Hero

(November 1-30, 2023) We are enabled because there are people behind the scenes who do the thankless job of paving the way for us. They remain unknown and uncredited for the support they provide. Sure, they get paid, but without them, society comes to a screeching halt...more »»

Benjamin Franklin Peoplescape Book Review

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

(November 30, 2023) Benjamin Franklin became a recurring name thrown at me. First, while watching an interview of billionaire Charlie Munger, he said he kept 2 busts in his home of 2 people he admired the most - Benjamin Franklin and Lee Kuan Yew. On a '19 Recommended Books to Read in your Lifetime', I saw Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography. And while watching the American Revolution, Benjamin loomed larger than life. While watching an interview of celebrated author Walter Isaacson who was promoting his recent book about Elon Musk, I learned that he also authored a Benjamin Franklin biography! In my world-view of a benevolent universe blazing a path for me, this is a strong statement that I should roll up my sleeves and get to know Benjamin Franklin in an intimate way - by reading his autobiography...more »»

The Revolution (The Founding of America) Movie Review

The Revolution (The Founding of America)

(November 30, 2023) This is a documentary series with 13 episodes narrating the historical events from the tax revolt by the British colonies in America that morphed into a fight for independence, and finally the founding of a nation. This gave a 3-dimensional narrative of the whole struggle - heroes, the unsung heroes, the gallantry, the betrayal, the egoistical pursuit of glory, the idealism, internal conflict, etc...more »»

Henry Kissinger Peoplescape Politics

Henry Kissinger: War Criminal

(November 29, 2023) Dead at age 100, many things can be said about Henry Kissinger but war criminal comes first and foremost. He saw human lives as expendable statistical numbers. He is responsible for over a million lost lives - a true scourge of humanity...more »»

Canghaling Cave Caving

Canghaling Cave

(November 14, 2023) Canghaling Cave is one of the most amazing caves I've seen. Imagine a hole in the ground covered with lush vegetation, 40 feet across and about 50 feet deep (resembling an open mine pit). Down below are the gaping mouths of 2 caves. On one of them, it takes rapelling to enter. No guides and no one around. From the street level, there is a corroded spiral staircase that takes you to the bottom...more »»

Kings and Queens Slice of Life

Kings and Queens

(November 13, 2023) I was invited to attend the coronation of the kings and queens who reign from the otherside. These are regular people who exist in our default world, but on the other side, they rule as royalty...more »»

Banksy Art Peoplescape


(November 9, 2023) It must have been 5 years ago during my travels when I first heard of Banksy - the street artist who rose to fame and notoriety. That was all I knew of him until I stumbled upon a Youtube 'suggestion' - Who is Banksy?..more »»

Joe Rogan Peoplescape

Joe Rogan

(November 7, 2023) Joe Rogan has become bigger than life. He has the most powerful podcast and gets the most interesting guests. He's known mostly for that. But that's just the tip of the iceberg - Joe is much more. If I were to pick an idealized male role model for society, Joe Rogan would be it. Here's why...more »»

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