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Nov 2020 Blogs

Lalana (soft palate chakra) yoga chakra

Lalana (soft palate chakra)

(Nov 30, 2020) Lalana Chakra is a little-known chakra closely associated with the Vishuddhi chakra. Amrita (nectar of life) coming down from the Bindu Chakra is deposited first in the Lalana Chakra where its flow is regulated down to the Visuddhi Chakra. Depending on the person's spiritual state-of-being, it is in the Lalana where the amrita can manifest as dark energy or energy of light.....more »»

Making Good Conversation lucid

Making Good Conversation

(Nov 26, 2020) With the advent of smart phones, social media, short attention spans, and an increasingly disconnected world, real conversation-in-the-flesh is becoming archival footnote. And when conversation takes place, changing social norms and convention make it a mine field on what the dos and don'ts are. Here's a smart guideline from radio host and public speaker, Celeste Headlee...more »»

RSVP Slice of Life


(Nov 25, 2020) I privately messaged a friend, inviting him together with other friends for an intimate coffee gathering. He saw the invite, no RSVP and a no-show. Aside from removing him from my short list, how do I deal with this?....more »»

High Intensity Interval Yoga (Yoga + HIIT) yoga

High Intensity Interval Yoga (Yoga + HIIT)

(Nov 14, 2020) This class combines traditional yoga asana, pranayama and meditation, together with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for a cardio-vascular benefit to strengthen the heart and increase stamina (and lose weight)....more »»

Cleansing the Nadis (Energy Pathway) yoga nadi

Cleansing the Nadis (Energy Pathway)

(Nov 13, 2020) In yoga, nadis are etheric energy pathways within the body - they are not physical. Prana (energy or life force) flows through the 72,000 nadis that exist in the body, similar to nerve impulses moving through the network of nerves within the autonomic nervous system. When nadi is blocked, prana cannot flow through and results in illness. Nadis converge in the chakras (energy hubs). There are 3 major nadis in the body - ida, pingala and sushumna.....more »»

Yoga for a 360-degree Core yoga

Yoga for a 360-degree Core

(Nov 6, 2020) This online Yoga for Core Development class selects asanas designed for the core and also includes established gym core practices. They are fused together with pranayama and meditation to bring about a fortified core (abs, obliques and lower back muscles), a state of stillness and increased awareness.....more »»

Movie Review: The Outpost (2020) movies

Movie Review: The Outpost (2020)

(Nov 5, 2020) This true story centers on American soldiers defending an indefensible outpost in a valley surrounded by mountains in Afganistan where they were essentially sitting ducks. It showcases their heroism and bravery against the Taliban forces.....more »»

Edward Witten: 'the smartest living physicist' Nong Khai, Thailand

Edward Witten: 'the smartest living physicist'

(Nov 4, 2020) When the most brilliant physicists on the planet call you 'the smartest living physicist', by no small measure, you are beyond brilliant. When he talks, the most acclaimed of them all shut-up and listen, hanging by his every word. When the most distinguished award in mathematics (Fields Medal) is given to a physicist, and not to a mathematician, you have to be none other than Edward Witten.....more »»

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