Greta Thunberg
At the UN Climate Action Summit in NY attended to by global leaders from 70 countries, Greta Thunberg delivered her incisive 'How Dare You' speech which reverberated around the world.
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Greta adulting the inmates running the asylum.
--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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Movie Review: Ad Astra (2019)
(Sep 25, 2019) Ad Astra is a spacey movie, both literally and figuratively. It has a subdued, solemn and introspective feel in its entirety. Brad Pitt under-acted superbly as he took us inside his head for most of the movie's narrative. The movie was remiscent of an iconic classic, 2001 A Space Odessey. Watch it!....more »»
(Aug 25, 2020) The girl broke up with her boyfriend. A few days later, he received a message from his ex-girlfriend asking him why he abandoned her.....more »»
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