a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

2019 archive

November 2019 Blogs

Coffeemates and Breadmates (Nov 2019) people

Coffeemates and Breadmates (Nov 2019)

(Nov 30, 2019) Chiang Mai's revolving door continues to bring-in wonderful souls who shape its animated peoplescape. Good fortune has it that some come to chance Nawa Saraan Healing Space for coffee, bread and friendship.....more »»

Visiting the Blue Temple traveling

Visiting the Blue Temple

(Nov 27, 2019) Blue Temple, before it was renovated and colored blue, used to be an obscure and dilapidated temple that was patronized only by locals - just one of the many temples sprinkled around Chiang Rai. Now, you see hordes of Chinese tourists who cannot get enough selfies of themselves with the temple's imposing and unique blue.....more »»

Visiting the Black House of Chiang Rai traveling

Visiting the Black House of Chiang Rai

(Nov 26, 2019) Black House is a rather dark-themed museum consisting of numerous black building structures in a sizable land area. There are a sprinkling of animal bones, skins, rock gardens, wooden carvings and interesting architecture.....more »»

Revisiting Chiang Rai traveling

Revisiting Chiang Rai

(Nov 26-28, 2019) It has been 3.5 years since I visited Chiang Rai. While doing a visa run to Tachileik, Myanmar, to took a 2-night stay in Chiang Rai before heading back to Chiang Mai. I didn't realize how much I needed that break until I took it...more »»

Bhujangini Mudra yoga

Bhujangini Mudra

(Nov 25, 2019) Stay in cobra pose, stretch the neck out in front and inhale. Hold the in-breath. This will remove diseases like indigestion and stop stomach pain. It will increase abdominal fire and leave you with a sense of happiness....more »»

Mathangini Mudra yoga

Mathangini Mudra

(Nov 24, 2019) Ideally done on a river with neck-deep water, draw-in water through the nose and spit it through the mouth. Then draw water through the mouth and release through the nose. You will become strong like an elephant and will not get any diseases. You can conquer untimely death....more »»

Kaka Mudra yoga

Kaka Mudra

(Nov 23, 2019) Kaka Mudra rolls-up the tongue sideways to emulate a straw. Air is drawn-in and held. This prevents all kinds of diseases, removes bad breath, quenches thirst and produces a cooling effect on the body....more »»

Movie Review: The Cave (2019) movies

Movie Review: The Cave (2019)

(Nov 23, 2019) This is a heart-wrenching drama of sacrifice, hope, derring-do, coordination of experts, bureaucracy, that ultimately heralded the triumph of the human spirit against all odds, as the world watched.....more »»

Pasini Mudra yoga

Pasini Mudra

(Nov 20, 2019) Pasini Mudra is an advanced pose very few people can do. Take the two legs and place them behind the neck. This helps in awakening the kundalini shakti....more »»

Aswini Mudra yoga

Aswini Mudra

(Nov 18, 2019) Aswini Mudra is the repetitive closing and relaxing of the anal muscles. This cures ailments of the rectum including hemorrhoids and constipation....more »»

Sambhavi Mudra yoga

Sambhavi Mudra

(Nov 16, 2019) After profusely shedding tears from a fixed-pointed gazing (trataka abhyasa), fix the gaze on the mid-brow or on the Ajna Chakra. This gives rise to ekagrata citta (single-pointedness of the mind) and develops dhyana siddhi (supernatural powers from meditation)....more »»

Manduka Mudra yoga

Manduka Mudra

(Nov 15, 2019) Manduka Mudra prevents any disease to affect the body. It prevents aging, does not allow greying of hair, and protects the body....more »»

Movie Review: Midway (2019) movies

Movie Review: Midway (2019)

(Nov 15, 2019) Midway is the US version of the greatest battle of WWII in the Pacific against the Japanese Imperial Navy, through the lives of the American heroes who fought the war.....more »»

Tataka Mudra yoga

Tataka Mudra

(Nov 14, 2019) Tataka Mudra cures all diseases related to the stomach. If this is practised every day without fail for 15 minutes, all the bad diseases of the stomach will be removed....more »»

Movie Review: Zombieland: Double Tap (2019) movies

Movie Review: Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)

(Nov 11, 2019) Not sure how to rate a stupid movie that was designed to be stupid in the first place. If you like zombie movies, see it. But still, I maintain that a zombie movie can still be made good without looking stupid.....more »»

Sakti Calana Mudra yoga

Sakti Calana Mudra

(Nov 10, 2019) Sakti Calana Mudra gains control of the prana leading to Samadhi Siddhi by doing an out-breath hold (Bahya Kumbhaka), tucking the tummy (Uddiyana Bandha) and firmly closing the nostrils....more »»

Vajroli Mudra yoga

Vajroli Mudra

(Nov 9, 2019) This is a method to recover a man's semen from a woman's vagina by having his sex organ suck-up the semen back - like strawing it up! This mudra is extreme and perhaps has no place in modern day society....more »»

Coffeemates and Breadmates (Oct 2019) at Nawa Saraan Healing Space people

Coffeemates and Breadmates (Oct 2019)

(Oct to Nov 5, 2019) At Nawa Saraan Healing Space, yogis-reikis-shamans-meditators-DJs-ecstatic_dancers and kindred souls gather for friendship, community, good energy, homemade carrot bread, homemade Thai peanut butter and Vietnamese coffee.....more »»

Yoni Mudra yoga

Yoni Mudra

(Nov 1, 2019) Yoni Mudra washes away the 5 great sins and hastens Samadhi...more »»

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