a seeker in search of Easter Eggs
2018 archive

August 2018 Blogs

Outside Looking In lucid

Outside Looking In

(Aug 29, 2018) Increasingly in the last few years, I had been meeting magnificent lives who opened their doors for me. And here's another one. Already, I could name a few. It's a validation of my ethics and my energy in a humbling and flattering way.....more »»

Back in Bangkok After 5 Weeks traveling

Back in Bangkok After 5 Weeks

(Aug 27, 2018) I love Bangkok, but I didn't expect to be back after only 5 weeks! 2 days before my Vietnam visa expiry, I still had no place to go. I felt boxed-in. Of the cheapest plane fares I was eyeing on, no destination was viable. Suddenly, Bangkok price dropped to $60 - the die was cast. Why is my universe taking me back so soon?....more »»

Nomad Travel Buddy traveling

Nomad Travel Buddy

(Aug 27, 2018) A lot of friends and readers tell me they like my life but don't know how to get started. Now, I open the door for them into my world and I share my secrets. On a fee-based basis, I will travel with them and teach them how I do things....more »»

20 Days in Ho Chi Minh City traveling

20 Days in Ho Chi Minh City

( Aug 7-27, 2018) After a 20-day mini-life in HCMC, it was time to pack-up again and move on. This was a very different Ho Chi Minh City this time around. I fully came to accept that I'm not a tourist. I travel to find a place to do my work, eat the local food and meet people. That simplifies many things....more »»

Exploring Binh Tay Market, Ho Chi Minh City traveling

Exploring Binh Tay Market, Ho Chi Minh City

(Aug 26, 2018) Binh Tay is a public wet market in the Chinatown area of HCMC where Chinese Vietnamese locals do their marketing. As such, it's not manicured for the tourists and prices are local prices. They have fresh veggies, meat, fish, dry good, livestock...and food glorious food!....more »»

Pho Beef Soup Exploration of Ho Chi Minh City food

Pho Beef Soup Exploration of Ho Chi Minh City

(Aug 7-27, 2018) What started out modestly in the north of Vietnam has now become a global noodle soup icon - Pho. Different parts of Vietnam serve Pho differently. Here in HCMC, I go on a quest in search of the best Pho....more »»

In Search of the best Banh Mi in Ho Chi Minh City food

In Search of the best Banh Mi in Ho Chi Minh City

(Aug 7-27, 2018) Vietnam is known for many things and one of them is food. Here at Ho Chi Minh City, I explore its foodscape - from street food, to home food and resto food. First I explore the more popular types, some of them have become international best-sellers....more »»

Peoplescape of Ho Chi Minh City people

Peoplescape of Ho Chi Minh City

(Aug 7-27, 2018) I'd been to HCMC a few times and it's good to be reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones. The people-adventure continues to paint a vibrant kaleidoscope of interesting lives drifting into my orbit.....more »»

Rediscovering Ho Chi Minh City traveling

Rediscovering Ho Chi Minh City

(Aug 7, 2018) After Thailand, I didn't really know where to go. But the $60 budget fare with VietJet made it academic for me. Besides, I love Ho Chi Minh City and I have a few friends I'd like to see again. Upon landing, the energy felt right. I knew it was a good start.....more »»

Mike Chong people

Mike Chong

(Aug 8, 2018) There are people who will kill you with kindness. But you don't meet these kinds of people everyday. Indeed, they happen once in a blue moon. I am lucky to have come across one - Mike Chong...more »»

Kneaded and Pampered at Zira Spa traveling

Kneaded and Pampered at Zira Spa

(Aug 4, 2018) A few days ago, I feigned an excuse to a B150 foot massage with some friends to conserve my cash. But I wanted a Thai massage in Thailand! My white knight (my universe!) comes to the rescue and gives me (and Mike) a luxurious B2,400 spa package at Chiang Mai's most prestigious spa resort - Zira Spa....more »»

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