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21 Days of Abundance, Yoga and Friendship in Ubud June 30-July 21, 2016

21 Days of Abundance, Yoga and Friendship in Ubud

GPS waypoint: 8°30'25.3"S 115°15'45.1"E
Location: Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

After years of hearing and reading about Bali, I finally made it to Ubud - the cultural and spiritual capital of Bali. Right at the outset, the energy felt how I felt about Penang (Malaysia). It's a little expensive like Luang Prabang (Laos), but I found ways to stretch the buck. Already, I was off to a good start. I met a couple at the airport whom I taxi-pooled with (splitting the fare 3-ways), then I stumbled upon a room with ensuite for US$5.50, (cheapest bunk bed in a dorm room in Agoda starts at US$10!). Later on, I found a compli-bike use for the remainder of my visa days! Ubud brought promise of good things to come! The possibilities excited me.

Ubud Backpackers RoomUbud Backpackers Room
A fortuitous thing happened along my early days - while riding my bike to Nyuh Kuning, I stumbled upon a newly opened backpacker lodging - Ubud Backpackers Room. Everything was clean, new and styled along traditional Balinese theme. The staff were friendly and the owner, Dhemi, was down to earth. I had the entire dorm room to myself. It would be my home-sweet-home for 3 weeks until my mad dash to the airport to catch my flight.

Covering my Bases
I was initially lost, not getting my bearing, just like any new destination. I covered my bases first - laundry, finding cheap eating spots (in the local warungs), researching on yoga studios, etc. I was entrenching myself for a long haul - 22 days in Ubud, until July 22 when my Indonesian visa expires. With the energy and abundance doing it for me, I didn't see any reason why I should leave Ubud.

21 Days of Abundance, Yoga and Friendship in Ubud
at Kafe coffee fav cafe

Ubud has many layered dimensions to it. The longer I stayed, the more these layers were peeled-off like onion skin. I got my bearings and got more sense of their culture with every passing day. The little pieces fell in place to reveal the big picture. At the superficial level, of course there is the intense tourism within the city center. That's what you just see if you stay a night or two. Then the culture seeps in, then the people's gentleness is felt...and it cascades as the days go on.

After a while, the Balinese culture becomes evident. It is unique, gentle and charming. This seems the only culture that mindfully pursues happiness. They openly talk about being happy and staying happy. They seem at peace with themselves and are given to laughter and smiles - the locally dominated Laughter Yoga at Amber Ashram underscores the point. They are unrushed, taking their time, and as they call it, Bali is on 'rubber-time'.

I can't say enough about the gentle people of Ubud. They live their lives in accordance to their devotion - it seems to be the same thing to them. Their culture is steeped in tradition and religious customs that continue to be practised to this day while accommodating the increasing tourism that seem to mantle the city center. There is a genuineness to them. Of course, it takes a bit of scratching on the surface, just like in any culture, but their live-and-let-live attitude and welcoming demeanor to outsiders is readily evident at the onset.

Ubud was a revolving door of so many people I met in my 21 days. I like this about traveling - you meet so many magnificent lives just around the bend. Some lives inspired me, some lives opened up doors while some lives simply enriched mine.


Punnu WasuPunnu Wasu
Punnu and I were just casual acquaintances in the Philippines, but after Ubud, we bonded. Punnu is a rare and special individual. If you are looking for a guru, you don't have to travel up the Himalayas and live in a cave. Just catch Punnu in one of his many gigs - meditation, kirtan, sound healing, bollywood bangrah dance, etc. I practically attended every offering he had! He has a wealth of knowledge and life experience to him. I wouldn't miss any of his gigs at The Yoga Barn. Thank you Punnu for being so generous!

Andrea PaigeAndrea Paige
It is a rare individual who gets me all excited and inspired the way Andrea does. And it's not because she is drop-dead gorgeous. She has this engaging personality, a passion that is infectious, an unwavering commitment to her health advocacy, depth in her yoga practice and an unapologetic radical stance on health and vitality. Like Punnu, I wouldn't miss any of her gigs at The Yoga Barn. I hope I get to work with her on a project some day. I like working with forward-thinking and forward-moving people who march to the beat of their own drum.

Ketut BandiastraKetut Bandiastra
His unique Pranawayu Yoga caught me by surprise. It is as organic and genuine as it gets. I haven't seen a sequence so seamless and yet so challenging. I loved it! And everyone I invited to attend to it likewise loved it - Natalia and Eunice. I met Aki and Shoco, both Japanese with a strong practice who couldn't get enough of it! And the way Ketut cues the sequence...he is anchored on smiles, love, well-being and being happy - not as lip-motion but from a position of bliss. Pranawayu Yoga is a seamless singularity of Hindi and Balinese tradition. It's the one yoga that served as hub for the friendship I had with Eunice, Shoco, Natalia and Aki.

Unice ChiaUnice Chia
I met Eunice while practicing yoga and we became fast friends. We hung-out for coffee and lunch and met up at Taman Hati Yoga Ashram for Ketut Bandiastra's Pranawayu Yoga. She loved it. We all bonded with Ketut himself and Shoco, a Japanese yogini who also found Pranawayu Yoga quite fascinating. We've kept touch after Ubud and I may see her again as I pass through Singapore.

Natalia KlimovaNatalia Klimova
I met Natalia at a meditation session and we talked yoga. She has a strong practice and raved about her yoga experience in Canggu, Bali where pranayama, bandha, mudra and kumbhaka are integrated into a flowing asana. Our common yoga ground in Ubud was Taman Hati - she was enamored by Pranawayu Yoga. We did laughter yoga too at Ambar Ashram. We could have bonded more, but she had to leave. Such is the case when you stay too long in a develop friendship only to see them go just when you develop a comfort level.

Berenika AlexandreBerenika Alexandre
I didn't know her, but she casually talked to me at Kafe Coffee Shop as she remembered me from the Astrology talk as the guy who asked what seemed like an irreverent question. We kept bumping into each other and finally decided to meet up for coffee for some quality time. Berenika is another unique individual who acts as nexus to a community whose members are cut from the same cloth. Her projects are ambitious and her vision is far reaching. I could only speculate that we'll be working together on some project at some point in time.

Dhemy WayDhemy Way
I owe Dhemi. He went beyond the call of duty when he canceled an appointment to take me on his motorcycle for a fast drive to the airport for me to catch my plane. Ubud to Denpasar Airport is a good 1.5 hours away! I offered, but he wouldn't take my money. Generosity like that moves me, reminding me that there is a lot of good in people. It inpires me to pay it forward and hopefully make these gestures ripple through our common social fabric.

Yoga and Meditation Scene
My stay in Ubud was characterized by yoga, meditation and other spiritual pursuits. I initially offered to teach yoga but the only slot I got was at The Yoga Barn giving me an August gig...a full month away! Yes, there are a lot of yoga teachers here. Most of the yoga practitioners who come here to deepen their practice are yoga teachers in their own hometowns. However, nearly all the studios were receptive to me joining their class with me writing about the experience. This allowed me to practice at different studios with many teachers employing different styles. I found this priceless specially here in Ubud, the Mecca of Yoga in Southeast Asia. Yoga studios abound here and the level of yoga is high. Mediocrity has no place here for a teacher...otherwise the students would prove to be more advanced than you. The yoga teachers here are typically at the level who travel around the world to meet their global engagements. It was a level-up to be practicing in Ubud.

Spiritual Junkies
I met a few people who signed-up on nearly all yoga/meditation/pranayama/self-healing offerings. Nothing wrong with that. But from some, I got this eerie feeling it wasn't helping them. Somehow, it was a fix...much like a junkie getting his fix, but not getting better. I see them going from one seminar to another...and not really getting anywhere. I keep wondering...where is the disconnect? Why is this becoming a 'fix' when it should be a catapult to higher evolution?

Easter Eggs
Initially, I thought life in Ubud existed only within the confines of the Monkey Forest-Ubud Raya-Hanoman area - the main tourism hub. However, when I moved into Nyuh Kuning and explored further on a bicycle, organic life flourished outside the city center. It was a whole new world of discovery that was less touristy but more into the rich local culture and time-honored tradition of Bali. I would strongly suggest exploring what's out there and be surprised!

Dayu RentalBicycle
An essential transport here in Ubud is a bicycle. The tourism hub is huge! Walking along the main drag around Monkey Forest-Jl Ubud Raya-Hanoman is a good 4km loop! We're not even talking about the side streets teeming with galleries, restos and spas! Renting a motorcycle taxi adds up. With my move to Nyuh Kuning away from the main drag, the use of a bicycle was a must. Luckily, I found a good reliable bike at Dayu Rental. This simply expanded my range going to yoga studios kilometers away from Nyu Kuning. Ubud having so many Easter Eggs within and outside its city center, was important to be mobile with a wide coverage.

I have long been fascinated by this radical internet currency - Bitcoin. I even wrote about it and its mysterious developer, Satoshi Nakamoto. I was exuberant when I discovered a Bitcoin center in Ubud. Without hesitation, I opened a Bitcoin account. This is the start I was looking for. Now, in every destination I go to, I'll be looking for merchants who accept Bitcoins. Likewise, I will accept Bitcoin for any service I render. At some point, I'd like to be a Bitcoin power-user - to know more about it in great depth and detail in order to connect it to some other dots in my head - perhaps even trade on it. I just might be able to discover a whole new way of using Bitcoin given my motivation and excitement about this crypto-currency.

Wish List
As good as Ubud is, it's not perfect. This is my wish list:

  • patch the potholes - many potholes on narrow street shoulders forcing motorbike and bicycle riders straight into deep potholes when they're caught between two passing cars in opposite direction
  • close the gaping holes on sidewalks - open manholes on sidewalks are accidents waiting to happen. I wonder how many people have already fallen on them
  • observe the 'no smoking' by-law - people smoking in restaurants in complete obliviousness to non-smokers around them...and there is actually a 'no smoking' bylaw in place but not enforced

Dhemi to the Rescue
I planned to leave Ubud July 22, maxing out all my available stay from my visa. I started looking for flights only to find out all flights in July 22 have already increased to US$125! Curious, I looked at flights leaving on the same day (July 21) and found one at US$86 but it was leaving in just a few hours! This is a US$40 price difference! Without wasting any time, I booked it, packed up, and tried booking for a van to the airport. Unfortunately, the van people said I won't make it to the airport! I talked to Dhemi, the hotel owner where I stayed if he could find a moto-taxi fast! He called a few numbers but nothing. Sensing I was going to miss my plane, he canceled an appointment and took me to the airport himself on his motorcycle! We were weaving in and out of traffic in a frantic effort to catch my plane. There was no time even to return my bike to Dayu Rental! I made it to the airport on time. Dhemi was my HERO! I offered him what I would have paid a moto-taxi but he refused. It was friendship for him. I was moved by the gesture. I won't forget that generosity. Thank you Dhemi...for your help...and for your friendship.

Ending Thoughts
I'd been traveling nearly all my early as high school when I would jump on board an inter-island ship going to Cebu from Manila. When I came back to the Philippines in 2004 up until now, I haven't stopped traveling. In the last 4 years I'd been traveling without a home or address to ensure a sustained uninterrupted journey. In all this traveling, I've covered many places. MANY PLACES. In all of that, I would have to say Ubud is one of the best destinations I'd been to, if not the best. It's natural beauty is spellbinding. It's culture is rich, gentle and graceful. The abundance rains. The peoplescape is one of a revolving door with one magnificent life after another. The activities that happened were intense, continuous and overwhelming - my calendar was always full, squeezing 3 activities in a day, nearly everyday! Ubud is just so enchanting, I didn't even bother go to other parts of Bali, no matter how beautiful they are too from what I'd been hearing. They will have to be for 'next time'.

Thank you Ubud...until the next visit!!!

--- TheLoneRider

Next stop: Kuala Lumpur

arriving in Ubud...what now? welcome treat for me stumbling upon a blues music band cold beer, Blues music in a lively bar in doesn't get any better my first bungalow in Ubud...IDR 75k or $5.5/night...not bad
corn is a cheap natural food...and delicious at IDR 5k sate...this bunch for IDR 15k in a local warung...unbeatable I eat in local warungs where locals eat Ubud is home to luxury resorts and hotels
souvenir shop trendy cafe with Hanuman, the Monkey God rattan bike....not functional at Pasar Seni, Ubud's central market
catchy phrases catch attention...maybe you go in and get a drink weeping Buddha...I only see this in Indonesia Tibetan gongs most bungalows are located inside temple compounds like this
getting back into my yoga groove with my bike from Dayu Rental, I was going places Durian is still expensive in Indonesia...Philippines has the cheapest durian in Southeast Asia a popular junction with a Hindu deity
weird fruit called Sasak...snake skin, mabolo taste, jackfruit texture my home at Ubud Backpackers Room Ubud Backpackers Room is spacious with lots of open air for cross ventilation mealtime!
meeting Lee and Francesca from the Philippines and Vasumi, a Mayan Calendar reader Vijay and I shared the same Mayan Calendar sign...we could have had synergy, but somehow it remained unrealized meeting new friends at Soma Cafe lunch with Aki, a Japanese with a strong yoga practice. Pranawayu Yoga got us together
Taman Hati Yoga Ashram in Nyuh Kuning Im a regular here ordering my gado-gado for the day...IDR 10k! another famous eating place in Nyuh Kuning serving suckling pig at the Elephant Cave entrance
my Kombucha's a fungus and the water it's on is drank roadside meal...doesn't get any more local than this charming canopy street along Jalan Ubud Raya chilling out at The Yoga Barn
going full-on on Bollywood's Bhagra party found this empty warung with good wifi...became my unofficial office this Myna bird at Taman Hati talks and laughs a typical Bali bungalow
lunch with Natalia in Nyuh Kuning Ubud abounds in yoga centers...from the big yoga resorts like The Yoga Barn to obscure houses with yoga signs hiking Campuhan Ridge quality time with Berenika at Kafe
at the cremation ceremony trendy cafe...Seniman Cafe bonding time with Eunice at Seniman Cafe sound healing session with Punnu Wasu at The Yoga Barn
one of the many cafes I hold office meditation with Punnu Wasu at The Yoga Barn post-yoga eats with Eunice I just found these 3 oranges by my bed at Ubud Backpackers Room...thanks Dhemi!
early morning tea break at Monkey Forest sumptuous breakfast prepared by Ketut Partox and hosted by Eunice for me and Socho...thanks guys this would be our last get-together before we all leave Ubud...happy moments, happy memories
back to my old haunt for my morning Kombucha tea discovering more warung outlets discovering a Bitcoin Exchange Center and opening an account Hatha Yoga with Andrea Paige
with the lovely Andrea Paige The Yoga Barn was like home to me I got my bike from Dayu  Rental whether it's in Dumaguete or Cebu or Ubud, Laura is always fun to be with
meeting new friends from France having a blast at Laughter Yoga bonding at Taman Hati Yoga Ashram, photo by Tero Romppainen  


  1. 21 Days of Abundance, Yoga and Friendship in Ubud June 30-July 21, 2016
  2. Hatha Yoga with Andrea Paige at The Yoga Barn July 21, 2016
  3. Roll and Release by Rusty Davis at Radiantly Alive Yoga Studio July 20, 2016
  4. Kundalini Yoga with Ketut Bandiastra at Taman Hati Yoga Ashram July 20, 2016
  5. Kundalini Meditative Movement with Sandeh at White Lotus Meditation Center July 19, 2016
  6. Andrea Paige - Health Crusader and Yogini July 18, 2016
  7. Power Yoga with Ni Made Murni at The Yoga Barn July 18, 2016
  8. Vinyasa Yoga with Daniel Aaron at Radiantly Alive Yoga Studio July 17, 2016
  9. Mass Cremation (Ngaben) in Ubud with Louisa July 16, 2016
  10. Mysore Ashtanga with Laruga at Ubud Yoga Center July 15, 2016
  11. Kalimasada at Yayasan Segara Giri July 14, 2016
  12. Hiking Campuhan Ridge July 14, 2016
  13. Vinyasa Flow with Nina at Intuitive Flow Yoga Studio July 14, 2016
  14. Laughter Yoga with Kadek Suambara at Ambar Ashram July 12, 2016
  15. Dance til you Drop at Bollywood Night with Punnu Wasu July 11, 2016
  16. Mayan Calendar Readings by Vasumi July 10, 2016
  17. Yoga Pranala with Chiara at Intuitive Flow Yoga Studio July 10, 2016
  18. Visiting the Elephant Cave (Goa Gajah) July 9, 2016
  19. Pranawayu Yoga with I Ketut Bandiastra, S. Ag at Taman Hati Yoga Ashram July 7, 2016
  20. Astrology Talk at The Yoga Barn July 6, 2016
  21. Yoga with Sasha Lang at the Ubud Yoga House July 6, 2016
  22. Ananda Mandala Meditation by Punnu Wasu at The Yoga Barn Jul 4/5, 2016
  23. The Wild Monkeys of the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary July 7, 2016

Google Map Bali, Indonesia

tourist attractions in Bali tourist attractions
  • Pasar Seni Ubud (market) in Bali Pasar Seni Ubud (market) - main market in Ubud with everything touristy you can ask for
  • Goa Gajah or Elephant Cave in Bali Goa Gajah (Elephant Cave) - 9th century Buddhist temple
  • Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary in Bali Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary - there really is a monkey forest right in the heart of Ubud!
  • Jalan Kajeng in Bali Jalan Kajeng - animated street similar to Hollywood's Walk of Fame
  • Nyuh Kuning in Bali Nyuh Kuning - wood carving village with a burgeoning chic cafe and resto scene along Jalan Nyuh Gading
  • Ubud Royal Palace in Bali Ubud Royal Palace - home of the royal family
  • Campuhan Ridge Walk in Bali Campuhan Ridge Walk - spectacular ridge view and hike ending 1km to the artists' village, Bangkiang Sidem | 8°30'13.0"S 115°15'16.9"E
hotels in Bali - hotel
  • Ubud Backpackers Room Ubud Backpackers Room - newly constructed, all new and clean, lockers, good water pressure, compli tea and coffee, spacious and alfresco chillout center
    Jalan Nyuh Kuning, Pengosekan, Ubud, MAS, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali - 8°31'36.5"S 115°15'41.3"E
  • Nando House Nando House - free WiFi, restaurant, terrace, free private parking, pet-friendly accommodation, private bathroom, room service
    Jalan Subak Sok Wayah, 80571 Ubud, Indonesia - 8°30'14.4"S 115°15'28.6"E
yoga in Ubud, Bali yoga
  • The Yoga Barn The Yoga Barn - full service yoga studio, holistic healing retreat center
    PT. Yoga Barn, Jalan Raya Pengosekan, Ubud - Bali, Indonesia - 80571
    8°31'08.4"S 115°15'52.4"E
  • Ubud Yoga House Ubud Yoga House - yoga for Every Body...all shapes, sizes, ages & levels
    Jl. Raya Ubud No.23, Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali
    8°30'07.0"S 115°15'30.5"E | 0821-4418-1058
  • Taman Hati Yoga Taman Hati Yoga - Pranawayu yoga and Kundalini yoga
    Jalan Nyuh Gading No.7, Ubud, MAS, Kec. Gianyar, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali
    8°31'32.7"S 115°15'24.6"E | +62 (0)361-974-058 |
  • Ubud Yoga Centre Ubud Yoga Centre - Ashtanga Yoga
    Jalan Nyuh Kuning Raya / Singakerta Raya, Ubud, MAS, Gianyar, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia
    8°31'43.0"S 115°15'15.5"E | +62 812-1020-389 |
  • Intuitive Flow Intuitive Flow Yoga Studio - Healing, Yoga, Meditation with a breathtaking view
    Jl. Raya Tjampuhan, Penestanan Kaja, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
    8°30'10.8"S 115°15'07.8"E | +62-361-977-824 |
  • Ambar Ashram Ambar Ashram Laughter Yoga - Healing, Laughter Yoga, Meditation
    Jl. Nyuh Bojog No.5, MAS, Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia
    8°31'21.2"S 115°15'22.0"E
  • Radiantly Alive Yoga Radiantly Alive Yoga - Vinyasa Yoga, Tibetan Heart Yoga, Iyengar Inspired, Pilates, Fly High, Roll and Release, Ashtanga Mysore, Yoga Dance, Salsa, Arm Balance Foundations, Beginners Yoga
    Jl Jembawan no.3, Padang Tegal Kaja Ubud, Bali, 80571
    +62 (0)361 978 055 | 8°30'33.7"S 115°16'01.2"E
  • White Lotus Yoga & Meditation Centre White Lotus Meditation Centre - Meditation classes | Meditation retreats
    JL. Kajeng 23, Ubud, Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia
    +62 899-0134-962 | 8°30'12.9"S 115°15'43.1"E
  • ONEWORLD retreats ONEWORLD retreats - yoga, meditation, spa and discoveries
    Jl. Suweta, Banjar Sambahan, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
    +62 361 289752 |
restaurant in Bali - restaurant
  • Warung Eateries warung eateries - a cluster of roadside eateries, essential for those on a budget or those who want authentic Balinese everyday food at local prices
    across the Pertamina Gas Station - 8°31'28.2"S 115°15'49.0"E
  • Nando's Warung Resto Nando's Warung - delicious Balinese food at local warung price in a garden setting
    Jalan Subak Sok Wayah, 80571 Ubud, Indonesia - 8°30'14.4"S 115°15'28.6"E
motorcycle rental in Bali - motorcycle rental
  • D&D Rental D&D Rental - motorcycle and bicycle rental, tours, tourist information center
    Pengosikan Street, Ubud

Ubud FYI / Tips

  • the tourist area where most of the hotels, restaurants, ticket offices, tour operators are, is concentrated within the rectangular area covered by Jalan Raya Ubud, Jalan Hanuman and Jalan Monkey Forest. Best to book your hotel within this area

How to Get to Ubud from Denpasar Airport (Ngurah Rai International Airport)

  1. best, cheapest, fastest and most comfortable (this is what I did for Ubud and in Singapore) - at the airport, talk to other white travelers waiting on the same gate if they are going to Ubud. Arrange for a taxi pool. With 3 guys, you split the taxi fare (usually IDR 200k + IDR 5k for airport entrance) three-ways. You end up paying just slightly more (IDR 68k) than roughing it through a series of bemos and vans.
  2. take a bemo (public bus) to Kuta (IDR 6k) then take a shuttle bus by Perama to Ubud (IDR 50k)

Ubud Cost Index

(US$1 = Indonesian Rupiah IDR 13,140 = Philippines Php 47.00 as of July 1, 2016)
  • IDR 30-35k one small bottle beer with live band
  • IDR 4.5k 1.5 liter drinking water
  • IDR 70k one hour massage
  • IDR 15k warung food in hawker style food cart
  • IDR 15 coffee in trendy cafes
  • IDR 35k bicycle rental
  • IDR 20k per kilo or IDR 2k/piece laundry (although I've seen one at IDR 8k per kilo)
  • IDR 60k shuttle to airport
  • IDR 130k bunk bed in a dorm room, shared toilet
  • IDR 8k internet cafe
  • IDR 50k haircut
  • IDR 80k cultural performances
  • IDR 130k standard drop-in yoga class
Currency Converter

Popular Destinations In Bali

  • Amed Amed - beach, scuba diving and fishing villages stretching for 15 kms along the coast
  • Lake Beratan Lake Beratan - area surrounding this lake has temples, produce market, waterfall, cool climate
  • Candi Dasa RC Candi Dasa RC - beaches, scuba diving, snorkeling
  • Kuta Kuta - party town with cheap food, lodging and booze
  • Munduk Munduk - quiet mountain getaway 800 masl
  • Sideman Sideman - trekking fields along villages near the volcano, Gunung Agung
  • Ubud Ubud - expensive and sophisticated with trendy restaurants, cafes, galleries, yoga studios and cultural offerings

Facebook Users

Reader Comments:

Natalia Klimova BhandariNatalia Russia
(Aug 4, 2016) That's so sweet of you Gigit. Indeed it was a great experience meeting you and I'm happy we shared some of the amazing events :)

Greg HutchinsonOutback Greg Australia
Tribal Adventures
(Aug 4, 2016) Glad you finally experienced nirvana: Ubud--Indah sekali!

Laura PearceLaura United Kingdom
(Aug 4, 2016) Great blogs Gigit :) It was really good to catch up with you there :-)

Carol KohCarol Koh
(Aug 4, 2016) So inspiring reading it! Feeling good

Emilia ZygockiEmilia Zygocki
(Aug 4, 2016) Safe and happy travels!

June 30-July 21, 2016

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Ubud Hotels


Ubud Backpackers Room, Ubud, Indonesia
Ubud Backpackers Room
backpacker dorm beds
Jalan Nyuh Kuning
Ubud, Indonesia

Bicycle Rental

Dayu motorcycle rental, Ubud, Indonesia
Dayu Rental
motorbike, bicycle, car rental
Jl Raya Pengosekan
Ubud, Indonesia


Taman Hati Yoga Ashram, Ubud, Indonesia
Taman Hati Yoga Ashram
Pranawayu Yoga
Jl. Nyuh Gading #7
Ubud, Indonesia

Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

Ubud Backpackers Room, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
Ubud Backpackers Room
dorm beds
Jl Raya Pengosekan
Ubud, Bali

Taman Hati Yoga Ashram, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
Taman Hati Yoga Ashram
Pranawayu Yoga
Jl. Nyuh Gading #7
Ubud, Bali

Dayu Rental, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
Dayu Rental
car bike motorbike
Jl Raya Pengosekan
Ubud, Bali

