a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

2013 archive

Dec 2013 Blogs

2013: A Year in Review lucid

2013: A Year in Review

(Dec 31, 2013) I refer back to the philosopher, Epicurus, who said that a key to having a happy life is to have an examined life. I don't know about happiness, but having an examined life allows you to be mindful of the series of events that took place to shape what you now have in the here-and-now. This way, you tend not to repeat the same mistakes. Or perhaps realize a repeating pattern that puts you in a vicious loop where you get stuck on auto-pilot.....more »»

Fab People: Jeanne Torrefranca (Yogini) people

Fab People: Jeanne Torrefranca (Yogini)

(Dec 25, 2013) Cebu is full of fascinating people. As a drifter, I am fortunate to be admitted within the peripheral orbit of Cebu's vibrant yoga community. Jeanne Torrefranca, in more ways than one, personifies the quintessence of yoga within and outside the mat...more »»

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