a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

Stovetop Carrot Bread Mar 5, 2011

Stovetop Carrot Bread

After-Juicing Dilemma
Ever since I started juicing veggies, mostly carrots, I've always wondered what creative use I can have for the left-over pulp. Usually, specially with commercial juicing kiosks, it's simply thrown away. But hey...that's still good food! I've found creative uses for the pulp since then, the most useful is making carrot bread. The pulp acts as a flour extender and also provides lots of fiber, flavor and nutrition. Since you're using the stove, you save on power compared to baking it in an oven.

Stovetop Carrot Bread
carrot bread being cooked on a camping stove

Other Creative Uses of Carrot Pulp

Carrot Bread Recipe

Utensils Needed

Ingredients: (makes a decent size loaf)

  1. pour water into the pot, sugar, 1 cup flour and yeast, in that order. Whisk until smooth. This is your sponge. Cover until size doubles and bubbles start forming. This is the first rising.
  2. add 1 tbsp oil, salt, 2 cups flour and carrot pulp. Mix and then start kneading (new to kneading? check out this link). You're done kneading when the dough returns to its shape after pressing your finger into it (although I've seen videos saying the complete opposite - that you're done kneading when the indentation remains!). Shape into a ball, put back into pot, pour another 1 tbsp of oil on top, and cover pot. Wait until dough doubles in size. This is the second rising.
  3. press the expanded dough with your palm to release the gas and flatten the dough. Divide into quarters. Roll one quarter at a time with your 2 hands. When you roll, you're doing 2 things at the same time - you're shaping the dough into a ball AND you're also applying pressure as you roll so that whatever air inside the dough is pushed out. Repeat with the other quarters.
  4. you can freeze the other quarters you won't be needing. The ones you'll be cooking (I can't use the word baking), shape it into your own style - rounded flat like pita bread, or balled like a loaf. Put back in the pot and cover until double in size. This is the third and final rising.
  5. over low medium heat, put the pot directly on the stove. If you're using all the quarters, around 15 mins one side, covered.
  6. Turn the dough over to cook the other side...another 15 minutes, covered. Release the cover on the last 5 minutes so that the top is crunchy. Tap into the dough with your fingernail. If it sounds hollow, it's done.
  7. put the bread on a wire rack so that the underside breathes and don't get soggy. Bread continues to cook even with no heat, so wait about 5 minutes before you eat it.
  8. bon appetite!


With a nice dip like olive oil/balsamic vinegar, chilled Chardonnay (or in my case, any cheap white wine), it's a stand-alone meal that measures up to any epicurean benchmark.

--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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Reader Comments:

Ronx RonquilloRonx Philippines
(Mar 6, 2011) Interesting. 🙂 I'm a loser when it comes to cooking. Hopefully with the step-by-step guide your blog might jumpstart my interest in cooking! 🙂

Andrew MitchellAndrew Canada
(Mar 5, 2011) ...thanks for the step-by-step with photos and all.

Abesamis FamilyAbesamis Family
(Mar 5, 2011) Great bread! We had it for breakfast and we're snacking on it now!

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