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wealth building

Lamborghini Blogs

Lamborghini Blogs

The Lamborghini Benchmark Mar 9, 2011

The Lamborghini Benchmark

Pushing the Boundaries
With the new business equation, revenues have been streaming at a steady pace...nice. I can actually coast and stay on status quo, assured somehow, that there will always be food on my table and I'll have a little something for backpacking across the country. But as tempting as it is, I can't. This is not what I set out to do. It's not about a life of complacency. This wealth building mandate is all about pushing all the boundaries to see how big I can get this business to be. Being comfortable at any level (no matter how big the revenue gets) is not an option. The moment it starts feeling comfortable is the moment I have to kick myself out before I stagnate into a rut. Wherever I am in the business cycle, there's always room for growth. Again, and I keep repeating this to myself, it's not about the money. I simply want to perfect the game. I'm not acquiring wealth. I'm simply playing Monopoly with real money. At the end of the game, I will be returning all back into the drawer...or at least, that's the plan.

So Where Does it Stop?
Bigger and bolder is by its very nature, open-ended like the blue sky. And I certainly have no plans of doing this indefinitely. At some point, I'd like to walk away from all this and go back into the poor house...where I own nothing but enjoy everything. The question now begs, at what point do I stop? Here's where it might be ludicrous to most people: it stops when I have my Lamborghini (purple Diablo SE) in Monte Carlo. Why a Lamborghini? It was love at first sight and I'm bewitched beyond logic. Why Monte Carlo? Hmmm...because there's not enough good roads in the Philippines. And I'd been to Monte Carlo twice, once during an F1 race...seems like the perfect place to floor a Lambo. I've actually seen one rip the streets of Toronto with its defiant roar...a sound so enchanting, it puts the songs of the Sirens (of the Iliad) to shame. It's not really as ludicrous as it seems if you look at it this way: the one person I personally know who owns a Lamborghini, and all the others I know of, who own Lamborghinis, put their pants on one leg at a time...just like you and me. They catch cold too...just like you and me. In short, they are the perfect examples why it's possible for folks like you and me to own one. If I don't get this far, at least I know I would come out further having this lofty benchmark. As legendary former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once said, "...to get a loaf of bread, you have to negotiate for 2 loaves."

Lamborghini...Second Time Around
This is not my first attempt to own a Lamborghini. The first and last time I attempted to acquire one through online swing trading, I was completely wiped out - all the money I had...savings, retirement fund, cash on hand...everything except the shirt on my back (ah...how I wish I had a mentor to show me the ropes - the self-discovery route can exact an exhorbitant matriculation). I thought I armed myself with enough know-how after devouring everything I could learn about online swing trading. What I didn't prepare myself for was my own arrogance. Had I not thought that the rules only apply to 'them', I might have actually made something out of that financial adventure (or misadventure). What surprised me tho was that I didn't even flinch after coming out a pauper. It felt like wiping out on a mountain bike ride...you get up, dust yourself off and then you ride again (unlike Adolf Merckle who threw himself on a train after losing his bet on the massive Volkswagen short-squeeze by Porsche).

Ending Thoughts
I did mention several times that with my vision of a social enterprise, I'll end up giving away everything. Hmmm...everything? Maybe I'll keep the Lambo.

--- TheLoneRider

Lamborghini Blogs by TheLoneRider:

Reader Comments:

Jhet van RuyvenJhet van Ruyven
(Apr 15, 2011) Hope our path cross physically one of these days. Keep the fire of your torch burning... keep passing it on. Who you are makes a positive difference - you covered it all. You are so gifted with words my dear kababayan. So proud of you! You deserve all the abundance in life both spiritual and material that is :-) I can see "Lambo" coming your way sooner or later. Lots of love and hugs from BC Canada.

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