a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

2010 archive

Dec 2010 Blogs

2010: A Year in Review lucid

2010: A Year in Review

(Dec 31, 2010) 2021 saw me move out of the familiarity of Manila and into a new chapter in Dumaguete - didn't even know what in there. I made efforts to generate wealth, but somehow, it wasn't in the works, despite due diligence. I was alone for the most part. It would have been nice to have company. I climbed Mt. Kanlaon, one of the most technical climbs I've done.....more »»

  • 2010: A Year in Review Dec 31, 2010
  • Julian Assange Dec 21, 2010
  • Riding up Lake Balinsasayao Dec 14, 2010
  • Water Jar Shoulder Shrug Dec 7, 2010
  • The Bible Code Dec 3, 2010
  • «« back to Nov 2010
    »» forward to Jan 2011

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