a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

2003 archive

June 2003 Blogs

OM Summer Solstice Festival II counter culture Peoplescape

OM Summer Solstice Festival II

(June 20-22, 2003) Because of my commitment to Burning Man, I didn't really plan on going to OM this year - financial and time resources are scarce. However, as the date drew closer, I felt the calling to be there. I had to reconsider my options. As always, when the time to regain perspective is needed, I went back to my writing on what OM of the previous year was like for me. It led me to one resolve: to be there.....more »»

Pizza Nite with Julia and Chris Pizza

Pizza Nite with Julia and Chris

(Jun 8, 2003) With Pizza Nites becoming a staple at my home, I started invited good people from the office. Julia and Chris filled the bill about good people.....more »»

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