a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

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1970 archive

July 1970 Blogs

Who Missed Sunday School? sliceoflife

Who Missed Sunday School?

(July 30, 1970) I dreaded Mondays. As a 5th grader, the religion teacher would ask the class who went to church last Sunday. Like every other Monday, I would be the odd guy out coz my parents were not church goers. I would brace myself for the usual humiliating punishment. This went on every Monday for two fucking years!....more »»

A Powerful Lesson from the Car Mechanic Verbatim Lucid Thought Slice of Life

A Powerful Lesson from the Car Mechanic

(July 29, 1970) My Dad found a brilliant car mechanic- he could diagnose a car trouble with uncanny skill and get it fixed. With such a find, my Dad thought about putting up a car repair shop and have the guy be the chief mechanic. But the mechanic did something that put a stop to all that. I learned a powerful lesson.....more »»

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