a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

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2022 archive

August 2022 Blogs

Aug  Snapshots snapshot

Aug Snapshots

(Aug 31, 2022) Slice of life in Chiang Mai. Life reveals itself in our day-to-day surroundings - the poetry, the abundance, the grace, etc. But only if you're mindful enough to capture the moment in pixels....more »»

Movie Review: Vice (2018) movies

Movie Review: Vice (2018)

(Aug 27, 2022) Vice is a frightening true story about Dick Cheney's rise to power from a blue-collar high-tension wire worker to the vice presidency of the most powerful country on the planet. Cheney exploited the loopholes in the law that would enable the vice-president with powers unheard of and unused by anyone who preceded him. Hundreds and thousands of lives were collateral damage to his cold-blooded political maneuverings.....more »»

Desiderata | Wear Sunscreen lucid

Desiderata | Wear Sunscreen

(Aug 22, 2022) As an impressionable teenager back in the day, Desiderata was probably the moral Zeitgeist of the time. I lived by it, and I would quote it whenever the need presents itself. Yes, I am a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars, I have a right to be here. Fast forward several decades later, a modern-day version came out - Wear Sunscreen!....more »»

Yoga Nidra with Chunyah and Tom yoga

Yoga Nidra with Chunyah and Tom

(Aug 18, 2022) Chunyah and Tom are my good friends - we hang out together over coffee, pizza nites, yoga and icebaths. Chunyah is on her 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Tom is an accomplished yoga teacher. I have attended a lot of his classes. I was surprised and deeply flattered when both of them asked me to conduct a private yoga nidra class for Chunyah, with Tom being there as well to see her through...more »»

Coconut Pancake recipes

Coconut Pancake

(Aug 11, 2022) I tasted See's amazing homemade Thai coconut pancake and it excited me. So I went to Chang Phuek Market the following morning to buy freshly grated coconut meat and 'hua kati', the coconut cream extracted from the coconut meat. With that, I was Rambo with a spatula.....more »»

The Fence Sitters lucid

The Fence Sitters

(Aug 8, 2022) The most health-conscious guy I met is a good friend. But he drags half his body as he walks. Yes, he suffered a stroke paralyzing half his body due to bad diet and bad lifestyle. I cannot help but think, "Before the stroke, you must have felt that something was already wrong. You must have decided to take action but never took the first step. You stayed on the fence too long. Now it's too late."....more »»

Yoga with Keith yoga

Yoga with Keith

(Aug 6, 2022) Keith is 69 and out of shape. But he knows he needs to be healthy. The first thing I'd do is acclimatize his body to the new fitness landscape on the horizon - introducing light and easy workouts to ease the path and have the body and adjust accordingly...more »»

Samadhi: 8th Limb of Yoga yoga

Samadhi: 8th Limb of Yoga

(Aug 4, 2022) As the 8th limb in the 8 Limbs of Yoga, it is the final stop. Samadhi translates to 'being together', which could mean bliss, self-realization or enlightenment. Other texts say you forget yourself completely and be one with the object of meditation. Other texts say Samadhi is when you realize that the fundamental nature of reality is emptiness - and you experientially (not just conceptually) go through that process...more »»

Dhyana: 7th Limb of Yoga yoga

Dhyana: 7th Limb of Yoga

(Aug 2, 2022) Dhyana translates as 'meditation'. But being on the 7th rung of Patanjali's 8 Limbs of Yoga, it's a very deep form of meditative absorption where the mind is inextricably absorbed into the object of meditation that nothing else exists but the 2 of them - the rest of the universe simply dissolves into emptiness...more »»

Dharana: 6th Limb of Yoga yoga

Dharana: 6th Limb of Yoga

(Aug 1, 2022) Dharana is concentration of the mind on a particular object - either external (statue of Buddha, picture of deity, the moon) or internal (such as Ajna, breath). Regular practice of dharana trains the mind to remain calm and increases mental strength...more »»

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