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Studio-type Yoga classesStudio-Type Yoga SeriesYoga classes typically offered in Yoga StudiosSept 4, 2014 Adhitthana Yoga (Yoga of Strong Determination)Adhitthana Asana (Poses) The Real Challenge Benefits
II Heat Movement
III Adhitthana Surya Namaskar Poses Surya Namaskar to chair pose (Utkatasana)hold for 10 breaths or until failure continue the Surya Namaskar until jumping back into plank hold for 10 breaths or until failure very slowly lower down into Four-Limbed Staff (Chaturanga) 5 breaths while going down until you reach the low point continue into Upward Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) hold for 5 breaths while getting extablished into the pose continue into Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) hold for 10 breaths continue into Standing Half Forward Bend (Ardha Uttanasana ) hold for 5 breaths finish the rest of the Surya Namaskar IV Adhitthana Core Poses Surya Namaskar to upper plank, move body weight to left hand and roll over to the right side for side plank (Vasisthasana)hold for 10 breaths or until failure. Back to center and repeat on the other side. continue the Surya Namaskar until Downward Dog, and jump through the hands directly into boat pose (Navasana) hold for 10 breaths or until failure. Cross legs and lift the body up and back into Navasana. Repeat 3x. transition into Dandasana then go to bridge (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana / Purvottanasana) hold for 10 breaths or until failure. V Adhitthana Backbend Poses transition into Dandasana then go into a forward bend, release, cross legs and jump into plank, lower all the way down, body flat on the mat. Inhale and do locust (Salabhasana)hold for 10 breaths or until failure. with the body still flat against the mat, bend knees and grab the ankles with both hands, knees hip-width apart. Inhale lifting the chest and knees, belly against the mat into bow pose (Dhanurasana) hold for 10 breaths or until failure. Release and go into Dandasana, then transition into a seated forward bend for counter pose. kneel down, toes tucked-in, knees hip-width apart, thighs perpendicular to the floor, pressing the feet firmly against the mat. Rest your hands on the top part of the buttocks fingers pointed down and start leaning back. Release one hand and hold onto the heels. Do the same with the other hand. If this is too easy, press the top of the feet against the floor instead. Push the pelvis to the front and push the chest up to the ceiling for camel pose (Ustrasana) hold for 10 breaths or until failure. Release and go into Dandasana, then transition into a seated forward bend for counter pose. lie flat on the back, bend the knees until you can grab the ankles, feet hip width apart. Inhale and lift the chest and belly as high as they go into a wheel pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana) hold for 10 breaths or until failure. Release and go into Dandasana, then transition into a seated forward bend for counter pose. VI Adhitthana Arm Balances find yourself in Downward Dog and move the feet closer to the hand and do the crow (Bakasana)hold for 10 breaths or until failure. VII Adhitthana Inversions find yourself in Downward Dog, kneel down, cup the hands and proceed to headstand (Salamba Sirsasana)hold for 10 breaths or until failure. Release and stay in Child's Pose. use a wall as very few people can do unsupported handstand, let alone doing a 'strong determination' handstand. Kick up the wall into headstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana) hold for 10 breaths or until failure. VIII Closing into Final Corpse Pose this is not really a pose for Adhitthana but a good seated twist to close the session. Seated, do half lord of the fishes (Ardha Matsyendrasana)hold for 10 breaths. Do the other side. we close the session by lying face up on our mats, hands stretched to the sides, palms face-up, feet dangling to the sides for corpse pose (Savasana) stay here until the breath normalizes. Session ends here. --- TheLoneRider FYI / Tips
Yoga-Sequence Series
Reader Comments: Jason(Sept 4, 2014) ...very interesting
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