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2016 archive

September 2016 Blogs

There was a Bomb Explosion? verbatim
There was a Bomb Explosion?
(Sep 30, 2016) Shortly after Jin's arrival in Davao, I told her it's already safe - that Abu Sayyaf in now in hiding. There won't be any more exploding bombs. Huaaat? After devouring 3.5 kilos of durian on her 2nd night, she felt heavy and hot. My remark caused her jaw to drop again!....more »»

Jin in Davao traveling
Jin in Davao
(Sep 29, 2016) Jin's arrival in Davao to travel with me around the Philippines heralds a new chapter for both of us. We met in a hawker eatery in Penang back in May and talked for about 20 minutes. That was it - I haven't seen her since. But we kept touch through social media and discovered promising possibilities that lie on the horizon. Now, the journey starts....more »»

Scrubs and Hilot at Holiday Gym and Spa chill
Scrubs and Hilot at Holiday Gym and Spa
(Sep 22-29, 2016) In an interesting stroke of fate, lightning struck twice at the same place. And that's how it was with all that pampering I'd been getting at Holiday Gym and Spa. A second round ensued this time with tradition-honored Pinoy Hilot Massage with Body Scrub and a Foot Scrub.....more »»

The Fabulous Dabawenyos people
The Fabulous Dabawenyos
(Aug 22-Sep 26, 2016) The word 'Davao'conjures an animated mosaic of eclectic imagery - Duterte, durian, Philippine Eagle, mangosteen and Mount Apo to name the iconic ones. Allow me to add one more - Fabulous Dabawenyos!....more »»

Nirvana Breathing Fitness with Lita C. Quisumbing yoga
Nirvana Breathing Fitness with Lita C. Quisumbing
(Sep 21, 2016) Fresh from her certification in Singapore, Lita Quisumbing conducts a Nirvana Master Class in Davao which combines yoga, pilates, movement, music and breathing to detox the body....more »»

Massage, Sauna and Ear Candling at Holiday Spa and Gym chill
Massage, Sauna and Ear Candling at Holiday Spa and Gym
(Sep 17-19, 2016) With very limited resources, I travel as a nomadic guerilla - prepared both physically and mentally to hurdle the hard-knocks life throws at me. Eat live worms, sleep on a sidewalk, ride on a bus bumper in the driving rain, marooned on an island - done it. I default to a lifestyle of endurance, concentration and intensity. But every once in a while, my benevolent universe throws me a bone - pampered luxury in an upscale spa. Hey, you only live once. I won't say no to that....more »»

Downpour in Davao sliceoflife
Downpour in Davao
(Sep 18, 2016) It was a freakish torrential downpour in Davao. Lightning strikes were just nearby with a deafening crack. It didn't take long until the streets were flooded. The open excavations could no longer be seen as the flood waters were black from the overflowing sewer. Then people crossing the street just fell through the big hole in the ground.....more »»

Lounge One Yoga Sequence by May Bel Le at North Zen Hotel yoga
Lounge One Yoga Sequence by May Bel Le at North Zen Hotel
(Sep 16, 2016) The last time I was wowed by a yoga sequence was in Bali while doing Pranawayu Yoga. Now in Davao, yoga teacher May Bel Le conducted her "Lounge One Sequence" at North Zen Hotel. The 90-minute session was elegant, intelligent and challenging.....more »»

Celebrating Davao's King of Fruits - Durian! durian
Celebrating Davao's King of Fruits - Durian!
(Sep 11, 2016) If durian were a car, it would be no other than a Lamborghini - the most exotic car that ever was! It's not for the faint of heart. Because of its pungent smell, it is banned in hotels, restaurants and flight hand-carrys. But for the durian lovers, it's an aromatic fragrance you may actually use as body spray if there ever was one. Yes, you can't stay in the middle with durian - love it or hate it.....more »»

The Blast that Rocked Davao politics
The Blast that Rocked Davao
(Sep 2, 2016) After ascending to the presidency, Davao's former mayor Rodrigo Duterte, loomed big as the tough guy uniquely qualified to unite the country with rebel groups willing to sit down for peace talks - CPP, NPA and NDF. Steps were underway for unification. Then on Sept. 2, at 10:17pm, a bomb exploded in a crowded night market in Davao killing more than a dozen and injuring 70. The renegade Islamic Abu Sayyaf group claimed responsibility. Outraged, Duterte unleased his fury - all hell broke lose in the rebel camps and hide-outs. Objective: complete, absolute and total annihilation of the Abu Sayyaf....more »»

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Davao Hotels


Davao hotel
One Oasis Davao

Davao hotel
Alu Hotel Davao
Davao hotel
Urban Living Zen Hotel

Davao hotel
The Apo View Hotel
Davao hotel
The Pinnacle Hotel and Suites

Davao hotel
The Royal Mandaya Hotel
Davao City hotel
Bahay ni Tuding
Inn and Resto

Davao hotel
North Zen Basic Spaces

Health and Fitness

Davao hotel
Lounge One
Yoga Davao
Davao Yoga, gym, spa, salon
Holiday Gym & Spa
gym | spa | yoga
massage | salon
Alveo Herbal
Alveo Herbal
cleanse the body
boost immune system
Lucy Rivero
T 0917.660.9529

Food and Coffee

Davao Pampanga cooking
Bistro ni Tuding
Davao restaurant
Le Cafe Bar & Grill Restaurant
Mel's Davao Food Tour
Mel's Davao Food Tour
Davao hotel
FROG Kaffee


Van Rental

Davao Autism
Shine Life Skills Center
Davao hotel
Cinematheque Davao
Davao hotel
Apollo Van Rental