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108 Sun Salutations and Tour of the Manilay Ancestral Home, Gen San May 27, 2014

108 Sun Salutations and Tour of the Manilay Ancestral Home, Gen San

GPS waypoint: N 6.138403, E 125.168968
Location: Purok Malakas, Gen San, So. Cotabato, Philippines

Stumbling Upon
Having 'discovered' the Manilay Ancestral Home while taking us for a tour, Helen negotiated with the owner, Warren Manilay, for use of the outdoor open space on the 2nd floor to do yoga. No problem with Warren - cool guy!

Manilay Ancestral Home
The Manilay Ancestral Home is a quaint turn-of-the-century Spanish-style 2-storie house that has been well-maintained over the decades. No one resides there anymore and the place is looked after by caretakers. The vast land area is also an amalgam of odd things - like a semi zoo. It keeps a monkey, a kangaroo (it seemed like a dwarf kangaroo...a local species?), and several caged animals. Additionally, it also has an open air collection of vintage cars and motorcycles. For its prize collection, it has a Lambreta vintage moped fully painted and duly signed by Manny Pacquiao himself. Think of it as a little playground for Warren who continues to be impassioned by his collection.

108 Sun Salutations
This is the 2nd time I've done this. The first one was in Cebu. It left my shoulders and triceps aching and sore. At the very least, it's a different kind of yoga from the traditional led class. Several teachers took turns doing the cueing as we finished the entire 108 Surya Namaskar A.

Ending Thoughts
Gen San keeps many secrets. The Manilay Ancestral Home is just one of them. Equally interesting is Warren Manilay himself. We could have talked for hours as our hobbies parallel each other. But all in good time. For now, I take delight in peeling the splendors of Gen San, one layer at a time.

--- TheLoneRider

108 Sun Salutations for Typhoon Yolanda Victims
class picture getting ready a little bit of catching up Angel is all warmed up
all smiles after doing all 108 sun salutations with Jenny and Melissa monkey in the premises with Jang and Helen during an earlier visit
Jang with the vintage car a vintage Ranger bike vintage motorcycle - Harley Davidson? WWII motorcycle
rear shot with the main man, Warren Manilay the Pacquiao Lambreta moped almost feels like holding on to a gold bar
couldn't help it...doing a handstand and koundinyasana with Helen and Jang by the front door living room
throw back to a bygone era antique radio with Cole Porter? old clock revealing a brick wall open space in the living room
wide open view from the balcony stately bed it's a's a plane it's Jang
wall painting vast land area Helen doing the Dancer's Pigeon Pose...just made that up headstand mania
backbend a trois navasana a trois the dwarf kangaroo  
Marichi Yoga House, Gen San

How to Get to the Manilay Ancestral Home from Gen San Proper

  1. take a blue tricycle anywhere and ask to be taken to Savemore Supermarket at Purok Malakas (this is what the driver will be familiar with). From there, it's a short walk. Still, ask around where Manilay Home is and have the tricycle drop you off there. P30/pax, if you're the only passenger.

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