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Sunday Farmer's Market in Gen San Jun 22, 2014

Sunday Farmer's Market in Gen San

GPS waypoint: N 6.125219, E 125.197209
Location: Tiongson Extension corner Calina Sts., Lagao, Gen San City, So Cotabato, Philippines

Farmer's Market
One thing that adds color to any neighborhood is the addition of Sunday Farmer's Market. This has been successfully done at the Legaspi Village and Salcedo Village Farmer's Market in Makati, with a string of exclusive subdivisions within Metro Manila taking cue. The very phrase conjours imagery of fresh farm harvest, healthy eating and a sanitized market environment. Of course, you pay a little premium for the exclusivity.

Gen San Scene
Going into its 4th weekend, Gen San's Farmer's Market is showing momentum as more and more of the city's movers, shakers, trend setters and opinion makers stop-by to take a look and see what's cooking. They seem to know each other, or at the very least, only a degree of separation from the next guy. Gen San is still a small city where people know of each other by family names and pedigree. Expect to meet the denizens of polite society in their impeccable Sunday dress or fitness outfit to pass by for their weekend appeasement, and hopefully engage a little bit of tête-á-tête with what's been heard on the grapevine. Altogether, it makes for a leisurely weekend indulgence that keeps the community connected, interactive and very much in touch with each other.

--- TheLoneRider

best shrimp paste is in Chari's booth meeting Chiclet and seeing Chari again, an acquaintance from last year meeting the good folks from Batchoy King Gen San chorizos by Ria
fresh farm produce peppers galore garden setting great rice cake and blood pudding at Batchoy King
honey and other garden essentials best pastil in Gen San for only P10 Little Kitchen for on the fly kitchen yummy the Ladies of Farmer's Market
assortment of farm produce local denizens enjoying the good vibe with Helen and Angel from Marichi Yoga House Rue Ramas and the Ladies of Farmer's Market
Farmer's Market is housed within the confines of the former Red Trellis organic rice and vegetable seeds    

Wish List

  • real coffee!!! (not 3-in-1)
  • hot tablea chocolate drink (whipped in a baterol)
  • bahalina coconut wine
  • budbud cabog

How to Get to Red Trellis Farmer's Market

  1. take a tricycle and simply ask to be dropped-off at the former Red Trellis at the back of the Notre Dame Lagao, P8/pax

Gen San Blogs by TheLoneRider

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Chiclet M. Rillo
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Jun 22, 2014

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