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Pursuing Real Estate Feb 22, 2013

Pursuing Real Estate

A Game of Numbers
My commercial website has always included realty listings but that section was just on the backburner - there wasn't really much focus on it since I was more pre-occupied with closing hotel and resto deals for the online business directory (for a roof over my head and food in my belly). My real estate rankings are pretty powerful. My clients' properties usually rank #1 ahead of all the big national players. I would tell my prospects to play the game of numbers and invest in a webpage for every property they sell and just sit back, letting the powerful search engines do all the work for them. It's like going to a nice fishing spot using a fish finder and putting up 10 fishing rods while you just fire up the barbecue waiting for the fish to catch the bait. With 10 rods, you catch fish 10x faster. With 10 webpages, they might get 2 inquiries a week or roughly 8 inquiries in a month. If you convert one of them into a sale, then the cost of the 10 pages will be more than paid for, and you still have the remaining 11 months to make a windfall - at least that's the ideal scenario.

Shifting Focus
They nod in agreement but do nothing. Having realty property for sale out there and not having it listed on my site is like having an empty hotel room - it's lost revenue. So it just hit me - why don't I develop the property webpages on my own and do the selling myself? Since I own the website, I'm the developer, and I virtually have unlimited real estate on the internet, I practically have carte-blanche on how far I want to take this - at no additional cost to me.

Working Hard? or Working Smart?
Being a complete newbie to real estate, I just need to get my feet wet and find out more about requirements, overall dynamics and the industry players. Once I get the necessary requirements in place, I can commence developing as many webpages for all the properties I can sign up (it could be any number...20? 30 properties?), sit back, and let Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. do its work. I don't worry about it anymore until the inquiries start coming in. I won't pound the pavement for prospects, I won't do the email-blast routine or the flyer routine - that's working hard. By letting technology do the work for me, I'd be working smart - or at least that's the plan.

This is just one of the few things I've redirected my focus on, since coming into acceptance that the Philippines is not web-centric and that people don't rely heavily on internet advertising either for real estate or normal commercial business. The general online-paradigm is that the internet is good for Facebook and emails - but not for launching vertically integrated online marketing campaigns to a global audience - or at least, not if they have to pay for these services (they always want it free). On the other side of the globe, I'm already on overdrive, beefing-up my global websites to make it more competitive and visible. Now I'm immersed in real estate. All of these steps are part of my weening-away process from local dependence - not until the thinking catches up on North American/European benchmarks.

Once again, Perfection
What I'm doing is no more different from fine-tuning a race car for optimum performance or blazing a new trail to get the most out of a ride. At the end of the day, it's not amount the money (that only serves as validation). It's all about pursuing perfection...yes, sounds too lofty, but also a privilege. People usually work for the money...or the prestige...or power. But work to pursue perfection? Not too many people have that luxury and privilege. I'm just a few of the lucky ones.

--- TheLoneRider

ps - If you want to advertise your real estate property (houe and lot, beach property, subdivision developement, condominium sales, etc.), email me.

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Feb 22, 2013

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