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Kram Siquinor Wedding Apr 21, 2010

Kram's Siquijor Wedding

Good Things About Siquijor
Being Dumaguete-based now, I had Siquijor in my radar. I hear very good things about the place. GIS specialist Al Duncan told me his best time in the Philippines was spent in Siquijor! Fellow Vipassana meditator Mabi wrote a story saying you can see through the water in Siquijor's pier. Of course, there's the allure of meeting the sorcerers from which Siquijor developed a reputation for...thus the moniker, The Mystic Island.

The Wedding Invite
My schedule got a nudge when UPM (UP Mountaineers) Kram texted me an invite to his wedding on the island! With Siquijor just an hour away by ferry from Dumaguete, I was packed and ready to take off.

Kram and I go back to our biking days in UP Diliman. He was a frequent visitor of Sagada and we'd go riding the single-tracks together. In the mountain biking community, he attained halimaw (monster) status when he biked from Manila to Bacolod! With his long hair gone, I guess he's ready to take on the more challenging chapter in this life -- being a Dad and a family man.


Clear Water
Upon arriving at Siquijor's port and seeing through its crystal clear water, I realized Mabi was right. I could go swimming in the pier water of Siquijor. Try doing that at Manila's port harbor! It was love at first sight for Siquijor!

The Guests
Kram and another UPM, Daddy-O (another halimaw), met me at the pier and we were off for Kram's 4pm wedding at the St. Francis of Asisi Church, just walking distance from the pier. At their house I met his lovely bride-to-be, Jill, their baby (yes, they already have a bouncy 2-month old baby boy), and the rest of his family and would-be inlaws. It was a warm and hospitable accomodation. We were even checked-in at Bulisan Lodging, just across the street.

The Wedding
The wedding was what I consider ideal - small and simple, with only close members of the family attending. I think it was only me and Daddy-O who were not family. What followed was an alfresco garden reception after which we moved to their residence for the more informal gathering over beer and pulutan.

Bouncy Babies
Like I said, Kram, "I hope you and Jill are blessed with more bouncy and healthy babies".

Tour of Siquijor
The following day was earmarked for a tour of the island of Siquijor, hosted by Kram and his family.

--- TheLoneRider

Siquijor / Dumaguete Boat Trips

  • Ocean Jet - 255.7560,,
    • Dgte-Siquijor 7:30am / 10:30am / 3:30pm (best to call first)
  • Delta Fast Ferry - P160, 45 mins, (035)400.6043, +(63)917.532.3588
    • Dgte-Siquijor Town 9am / 10:15am / 1:30pm / 4:30pm
    • Larena-Dgte 5:35am
    • Siquijor-Dgte 5:55am / 10:15 / 12:30 pm / 3:00pm
  • Jaylann - P120, 1-1.75 hours depending on boat, 3 boats, dialy trips except Saturday, (035)480.5534, +(63)915.891.1426
    • Siquijor-Dgte 5:50am / 7:00am / 9:30am / 1:00pm / 3:45pm
    • Dgte-Siquijor 5:45am / 10:15am / 12:00pm / 2:00pm / 4:30pm

Articles about Siquijor on

Looking for a Wedding Coordinator/Planner?:

  • W.E.D. ~ Weddings Exquisitely Designed - full service wedding and event planning company, specializing in comprehensive service to couples getting married in Dumaguete and the neighboring provinces

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Reader Comments:

Honey Salgado
(Apr 21, 2010) Best wishes Kram n ur wife Jill!!!

(Apr 30, 2010) ha-ha-ha, gulat naman ako. Halimaw ba? Thanks sa write-up!

(Apr 29, 2010) Congrats! :)

(Apr 29, 2010) I like the bridal car! thanks for posting the pics. :) congrats krammy bear!

(Apr 29, 2010) Congrats!

(Apr 29, 2010) uy congrats to Kram!

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