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lucid thoughts

January 29, 2003 Wednesday

Separating the myth from the person

In the quest of pushing the boundaries of mind and body to reveal what lies beyond, a novel concept presents itself that begs to be explored and lived.

A weird thing happens when something so good ends up a dismal failure. As a broken whole, the promise is a crumbled mess of a failed moment weighted down by the specter of censorship and privacy. What went wrong? I don't really know. And here is where the concept presents itself.

To save the day, the broken whole has to be halved: separating the myth from the person so both can glow within its own light and space.

The myth appeared from nowhere. A magical moment ensued filled with intimate and long-drawn conversations from the heart. That moment added color and dimension to my otherwise lack-luster existence. I will always look back to that with fondness and affection. I was left with a poignant legacy though...that belonging beyond the confines of a fleeting moment can be a good thing. That's a comforting concept I can hold on to through the peaks and valleys of my journey. And just as fast as she appeared, she disappeared never to be seen again. Moments are are myths.

The person on the other hand, now becomes an affable but separate entity I can conventionally interact with on an arms-length basis...unencumbered by what went before. A new clean slate - the warmth of a welcoming smile without the baggage.

Unlike Hedwig who found his other half to make him whole, I had to split a broken whole - not to make 2 halves but to make 2 viable and vibrant wholes. The myth and the person...2 distinct and separate entities coexisting in parallel planes.


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