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lucid thoughts

December 24, 2002 Tuesday

Holiday Blues

A lingering cloud of sadness gently hovers that I can't will away. I have to let it run its course and glean from what it may reveal. Maybe it goes with the season, today being the eve.

While most people use the occasion to go back to the warmth of a place they belong to and renew ties, I have to move on with my journey in search of an idealized state-of-being that exists only in my wild imaginings.

The burden of looking back into a life I once knew and seeing how far I've come away throws me back to what was good in it.

I'm also saddened to realize that the moment I hold dear has come to a so many other fleeting moments that have come before it. But that's the nature of the beast. Moments are inherently fleeting.

The trails await and the journey continues.

The Unveiling

I did a little personal project for the Content Team: Matrix-inspired team poster, which was unveiled and displayed on the mantle of our yuletide papier-maché fireplace. It took a lot of my creative time but it was its own reward.

Getting Anchored

This time of year won't be complete without the one constant in my ever-changing universe: time with my skating at the Lastman Square, arcade games at the Silver City Theatre and a huge slice of pizza cut three ways.

Gangs of New York

Scorsese at his best. I judge a movie by how long it lingers after the show is over. This one does. Daniel Day-Lewis' best performance yet. Admittedly, I'm partial to it because I've walked the streets of Five Points while I was still living in New York. I've read about the old New York inhabited by warlike tribes and Scorsese adds flesh and blood to the tales. A must see.

Reader Comments:

Karen Norton (Blue Trinity) December 24, 2002
That is TRULY amazing LoneRider. Kudos and congratulations on the finest piece of artwork I've seen in years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Next story:
Untimely Moment

Next Movie Review:

Movie Review: Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001) movies

Movie Review: Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001)

(Jan 5, 2003) Hedwig is an internationally ignored glam-punk performer who takes on a journey to the world of Rock and Roll fantasy in search of his other half...the one that will make him whole. The movie is poignant, moving, intense, electrifying, and the soundtrack is out of this world...more »»


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