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2016 archive

March 2016 Blogs

One Day Yoga-Pranayama-Meditation Retreat at Angkor Zen yoga
One Day Yoga-Pranayama-Meditation Retreat at Angkor Zen
(Mar 30, 2016) My one-day retreat at Angkor Zen Gardens consisted of 5 sessions of yoga, pranayama and meditation that started at 6:45am and ended at 7:00pm. In between would be vegetarian meals and an optional dip in the salt-water pool. I came out of it renewed, invigorated and cleansed....more »»

Catching the Phare Circus in Siem Reap traveling
Catching the Phare Circus in Siem Reap
(Mar 29, 2016) The show was entitled, Sokha, a circus narrative about the plight of the Khmers before, during and after the genocidal regime of the Khmer Rouge. The show was a mosaic of circus, drama, dance, live musical scoring, live painting and spectacular stunts....more »»

5 Tibetan Rites: Yoga Sequence yoga

5 Tibetan Rites: Yoga Sequence

(Mar 28, 2016) Legend has it that the Tibetan 5 Rites (5 yogic kriyas) is a fountain of youth. It was supposedly taught to a British army colonel by Buddhist yogis when he explored the Himalayan mountain range in the 1930s. I came upon this story back in 2004 and even practised it for a few days. Now, it has timely resurfaced as I am engaged in the yoga of a teacher here in Siem Reap. I believe it's a good integration in a typical one-hour yoga class as it can fuse seamlessly into other established asanas....more »»

Yoga at Siem Reap yoga
Yoga at Siem Reap
(Mar 27, 2016) I wanted to deepen my yoga practice while I was in Siem Reap. While walking around the Pub Street area, I saw a yoga sign, went in and met the 2 people who run it. I had been a regular at their studio since, meeting the passing yogi travelers who also wanted to keep connected to their practice....more »»

Pak Chong (Thailand) En Route to Siem Reap (Cambodia) traveling
Pak Chong (Thailand) En Route to Siem Reap (Cambodia)
(Mar 20-21, 2016) It was already past 9pm when I crossed the Cambodian border on foot. No more bus going to Siem Reap. I walked around Poipet looking for a cheap hostel. It wasn't the most comfortable feeling, being in a new place, knowing no one, at night, you have no place to stay, and a lot of strangers offering rooms and transport at an arm-and-a-leg price....more »»

Goodbye Thai Plum Village traveling
Goodbye Thai Plum Village
(Mar 20, 2016) After more than 3 weeks living a monastic life at Thai Plum Village, it was time to say goodbye. As I taught English and yoga, I was also a student, learning Tai-Chi from one of the monks, a student of Thich Nhat Hahn as I learned mindfulness with every breath, and a student of the Sangha as I learn about community harmony and cooperation....more »»

Yoga at Thai Plum Village yoga
Yoga at Thai Plum Village
(Mar 19, 2016) As I was the official English teacher of Plum Village, I was also the unofficial yoga teacher. I would teach afternoon yoga daily to anyone who wanted to participate - nuns, monks, lay friends, passing visitors, anyone! The people who attended, found it challenging...but kept coming back for more....more »»

Pond Picnic with the Monastics traveling
Pond Picnic with the Monastics
(Mar 14, 2016) It was Lazy Day at Thai Plum Village and the monastics invited me and some lay friends to join them for a short hike to a pond in the woods and have picnic with them. How cool is that?....more »»

Sentence Expansion teaching
Sentence Expansion
(Mar 12, 2016) Vietnamese students often talk English in short sentences with missing prepositions or mispronounced words. They know English but have difficulty conveying their ideas into words because they are not sure which words to use and how to connect the words together into a coherent flowing sentence. I came up with a method that attempts to address all that.....more »»

Alms Round of the Thai Plum Village Monastics meditation
Alms Round of the Thai Plum Village Monastics
(Mar 10, 2016) Buddhist monks and nuns by tradition, beg for food with their alms bowl. The first and last time I witnessed that was in Luang Prabang, Laos where monks walk through a line of tourists who came prepared to give them food and alms in the early morning. Here in Pak Chong, I was privileged to be a part of that ritual...more »»

First Day of Teaching English at Thai Plum Village teaching
First Day of Teaching English at Thai Plum Village
(Mar 8, 2016) After 11 days at Thai Plum Village, I finally got to teach my first class in English with 5 monks and I nun....more »»

Cyber Monk Redefined lucid
Cyber Monk Redefined
(Mar 6, 2016) As I become increasingly aware of the world I live in and the role I play in dealing with all the challenges, my definition of cyber monk morphs into one of increased empowerment and control....more »»

Thai Plum Village, Day 6: Plum Village and Vipassana meditation
Thai Plum Village, Day 6: Plum Village and Vipassana
(Mar 2, 2016) Coming from the lineage of Buddha, Plum Village and Vipassana should be more similar than different. And indeed, as I immerse myself in Master Thich Nhat Hahn's tradition, the differences diminish everyday and I now see how similar they are. They are almost a reflection of each other - 2 adjacent rails on a train track....more »»

Thai Plum Village, Day 5: Visa Snag meditation
Thai Plum Village, Day 5: Visa Snag
(Mar 1, 2016) As I slowly sink into the groove of monastic life, an unforseen problem arises - the visa. My 3-month stay is now at risk....more »»

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Manila Bar, Cafe and Resto:

Trigo Bakery and Cafe

Serye cafe resto

Black Kings Bar music bar