June 4, 2004 Friday
Bureaucratic Paperwork
LA accompanied me to city hall to secure my residence certificate. Dad later accompanied me to his contact with the Internal Revenue to get my Tax Identification Number (TIN). Both were needed for my employment.
Ben Hula
In the evening, I went to Ginny's place to meet with her friends and Ben Hula - a card reader who has provided service to Marcos and many of the who's who in Philippine society and politics. His readings about me said I was in the right track...that money will come my way...that I will marry a Gemini from abroad whom I'll start a family with...that my luck is overseas....that I will be a teacher to many...that there will be one in the family who will be my enemy...that I am destined for big things.
While these readings are encouraging and raise the confidence level, I remain unswerved with my original plan...which in a way is validated by the readings...well, maybe except for the "destined for big things" part.
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