June 3, 2004 Thursday
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June 3, 2004 Thursday

Reggie stopped by the house to hand me some stuff Mom sent from Canada. I haven't seen him for 15 years. I nearly didn't recognize him. He looked haggard and weary...like life dealt him a heavy blow - which is probably the case. Started the day early going to UP to enroll using Senn's car. At this point, I was getting more confident driving the unforgiving streets of Manila. The line up was long and would take 2 days to finish. Fortunately, Ginny sent word to the college deans to accommodate me. I finished enrolling for Spanish and French within the day (MTThF from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm). I figure that doing Europe will be easier career-wise if I am proficient in those 2 languages. I had lunch with Ginny at the alumni house. She offered me a Wednesday job, teaching CWTS, an ROTC alternative. I accepted for 3 reasons: it's a job, it's good on my resume and I'm free Wednesdays. She also invited me to be at her place tomorrow at 8pm since Ben Hula will be there. I still don't know what I've done to deserve Ginny's generosity. She's opened doors for me and introduced me to people who probably won't give me the time of day otherwise. I talked to attractive girls who all addressed me with "ho" and "po", a respectful gesture to older people - thus my dilemma. I can't relate to girls my age - they think about career, security and family while I'm still in my "love the one you're with" and "live the adventure" lifestyle. Younger girls on the other hand think I'm too old for them. Where does that put me? I can't recall having this issue in Canada. Gold and I went to Starbucks that evening while TJ, Ali and the judo team met at Xavierville. Earlier in the day at UP, her friends told her an "old man" was looking for her - it was I.

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