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lucid thoughts

March 22, 2003 Saturday

Drum Circle

Being the Spring equinox, a lot of events were happening about town. One of them was a drum circle. I was invited by Celeste and Andre to partake. Sadly, I had to pass. I couldn't leave my kids in the care of my Mom.

It was at OM when I was first introduced to a drum circle. I was taken by the sheer energy that built up. The beat assumed a life of its own and further synergized by people who danced with Bacchanalian abandon. It was so primal it took me back to a place and time when the earth was young...when hunters and gatherers roamed the plains in search of food, clothing and shelter - the basic necessities to human survival.

Ektoplazm's Midnight Sun

I was feeling tired and weary by nighttime and was tempted not to go to Scott and Rashelle's Spring equinox gathering, the Midnight Sun. I'm glad I still persisted on going thinking about the good times ahead and not be bogged down by the weariness. I had the usual expectation of going to one of the Omie gigs...lurking, dancing, and saying Hi but essentially outside looking in. Even at that level, it still delivered its own level of gratification.

Upon arrival at the newly renovated El Mocambo close to midnight, the fun was already in full swing. Not surprisingly, everybody was smiling, happy and social - one of the many pleasant staples of rave trance. Whether it's under the influence of Ecstacy or any other mood altering substance is completely irrelevant. The pursuit of good vibe transcends the means.

I would have been happy enough seeing old acquaintances from OM and the previous Omie gigs but something unexpected happened as if by deliberate intent. I had the good fortune of meeting Lyndsey (and her friends), a soul whom I've lost myself in conversation with. What started as a small talk extended into a one-on-one that transcended the hours. As TheLoneRider in constant search of human connection to pursue, I found myself on a threshold of a moment - the Holy Grail that quenches my thirst from the long journey. Like a promising fork on the trail, I set course curious to where it will take me this time. Again, I am full of optimism to what the immediate future holds. The junkie got his long-awaited fix.

The AIM Guy

I recognized one of the crowd as a colleague - a familiar face in the company whom I've not been acquainted with. Within the company, he dresses conservatively and moves unassumingly...almost wanting to remain in anonymity. This night however, he morphed into a worldly character with spiked hair. Clark Kent by day and Superman by night? It's probably his intention to keep his avant garde self remain a well-kept secret and I'll honor that. Clark Kent's identity will remain intact.

The Wanderer

The event closed at 5AM. After giving my newfound friend Lyndsey a hug, I left the ElMo and wandered into the direction of Chinatown looking for an eating place with hot soup to sooth my weary body. The Vietnamese place along Dundas was open. I heartily helped myself to a piping-hot bowl of noodle soup. It was so satisfying it felt like a warm hug on a cold day.

The trains were not yet operational at that time so I had to put up with the erratic bus services until I got home.

I planned on doing my Kriya before going to bed but the body was too fatigued and sleepy to be able to perform the breathing ritual in accordance to tradition.

More pictures of Midnight Sun »


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