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March 15, 2003 Saturday

Art of Living Course - Day 3

Spring Weather

This day is unusually spring like - a welcoming treat after the bitter cold that lashed on us this winter. Navid even biked to the workshop.


For the first time, we did the Kriya - a powerful breathing technique designed to harness the subtle life energy in the air we breathe. I had no expectation or idea that a seemingly benign breathing technique could be this potent. The hyperventilating process was overwhelming that caused me to drift in and out of focus. We were reminded constantly NOT to sleep or meditate while doing the exercise. I couldn't tell how long it took but I later found out it took nearly an hour. I was practically knocked out after the ritual.

The Almost Forbidden Grape

We regained consciousness feeling very hungry. It was around 2PM and most of us skipped breakfast thinking that food we brought in was for breakfast. Still seated on the blankets in a round circle, a bunch of grapes was passed around for us to take a piece of. We were then asked to feel the grape with our fingers...experience the tactile sensation. Then we were asked to put it in our mouths to once again feel its roundness and promise of succulence. At that point, I was a salivating Pavlovian dog and would have killed to get a bite from that single piece of grape. Finally, we were allowed to make 1 bite to cut the grape in two. The few drops of juice that came out of that was like the elixir of life. At last we were allowed to fully enjoy the grape. I savored every bit of juice that came out of it. That was the best grape I've ever had...ever!

A Very Special Lunch

We were then asked to get the food we brought with us. We then passed the food to the person on our right as we received food from the person to our left. We took a portion and passed the food to our right once more. This went on until the food I brought made a full circle and landed on me. We then commenced eating. The food prepared and served was a beautiful array of fruits, green leafy vegetables, cheese and bread. It was one of the most satisfying meals I've ever had. I will commit that moment to memory. It taught me how food should be enjoyed... and what I'd been missing out by eating the way I habitually do.

--- TheLoneRider

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