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fab people

April 12, 2003 Saturday

Breakfast with Aggy

Aggy biked to work for the first time using the bike she bought from Wesley. I invited her to join my kids and me for breakfast. I prepared fresh squeezed orange juice (which she squeezed herself), Spanish omelet, fresh baked rice flour bread (she's allergic to gluten found in wheat flour) and Irish coffee. It was a leisurely and pleasant breakfast. While I was tweaking her bike, she patiently spent time with Kristine. I like the way both of them bonded. Kristine even sketched a drawing of Aggy and asked me to give her at work.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

I've always maintained that when you are in the presence of a great man, you feel the presence...the aura that permeates within the room. When that person starts talking, you'll know that you're in the presence of greatness. Such was my expectation on Sri Sri's public talk. So much has been said and written about him. I've already likened him to my holy man, Fr. Terry Gallagher, whose heart transcends the normal bounds of regular mortals like me.

Sri Sri talked about simple things - a baby giving his 100% when he cries....doing everything with utmost intensity...etc. Unfortunately, he only had about an hour to talk and answer the questions thrown at him by the audience. There was not enough time to dissect those simple statements to regaining perspective. And left the way it was left, the statements simply came across as an over-simplification of everyday life observations...not your paradigm-shifting re-awakening into higher consciousness. Perhaps attending his advance course will provide that revelation. Unfortunately again, money has to change hands for that to happen.


What caught my ear was the performers. The flautist, although not part of the group (and playing on the side), added that hovering tune that brought an ethereal feel to the vibe. Together, they played and sang beautiful music and chants. The singer, Divya, was particularly talented. I had to stay behind so I can talk to her. She appears to be a longtime devotee of Sri Sri and further involved in yoga. Luckily for me, she's also a recording artist who has her own cd made with various chants. I purchased the cd and delighted in hearing her voice and singing style again.

I also ended up talking to a few like-minded people about yoga and drum circles. After exchanging emails, I headed out feeling optimistic that a fork on the trail is there for the taking.


»» next story: Kids on my back - literally
»» next Peoplescape story: Next Time You Use my Car, Walk my Dog

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