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lucid thoughts

September 27, 2002 Friday


None...argh!!!! I got caught up doing site update first thing in the morning that I used up my time for my morning cardio. It was raining and that spoiled my bike commute to work as well. When it rains, it pours - literally and figuratively.

Asian Legend

I always look forward to Fridays because I get to eat out with my team mates. This time we went to the nearby Asian Legend where my dynamic duo Chinese officemates, Jun and Wendy did their "excellent" ordering. They ordered something exotic - tripe. As a rule, I'll eat anything as long as it's good. This one doesn't make the grade however. I enjoy my usual packed lunch: roasted veggies and nothing else. However, I'd been having that for nearly a year now and a Friday break from that is most welcome.


I had to take half the day off to get fingerprinted at downtown's RCMP station. This is unreal considering I'm only being used as a reference to an international adoption. Fine. But I had to go to the Philippine consulate to file an affidavit and now this - 3 sets of fingerprints all on 10 fingers plus left and right hand prints. Part of that even goes to the FBI south of the border - all this because I'm certifying that the adaptor is a suitable person? You would think I was doing the actual adoption.

I went home early after stopping by the bulk shop for my usual morning carbo breakfast: oats, wheat germ, granola, dried raisins and dried cranberries. Also stopped by the grocery to buy veggies, cheese and sauce for tomorrow's pizza dinner with friends.


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