October 27, 2002 Sunday
The Morning After
Today should have been a full day. A choice between:
- a photo shoot about me crossing the wooden bridge and making the jump at the Don - I haven't really gotten over the fact that I copped out of crossing the bridge when
I went riding with the 2 Alexes. Additionally, I yearned to make that jump too. But seeing Alex 2 land on his tailbone and writhed in agony shook the daylights out of me. My birthday just passed and I'd been thinking of a special present I can give myself. Nothing came closer than doing the bridge crossing and the jump.
- a ride at Durham Forest with my good riding buddy, David Joudrey. He even promised to take me to that formidable hill I was forced to dismount from (while doing the Durham Durango).
None of that happened....argh!!!
I woke up with a hangover as big as a watermelon. I was in no shape or form to do any jump or do any kind of serious hammering. I thought I'd just do a mild workout at the gym but my body kept telling me to call the entire day a write-off...which it was.
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