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lucid thoughts

October 26, 2002 Saturday

Tres Kumpadres

When I went caving many years ago, I came upon the sensation of inching my way into an increasingly tight space not knowing if I'll just get stuck along the way and crawl backwards. However, as good fortune would have it, just when it seemed hopeless, the passage led me into a clearing with cathedral-like expanse.

This pizza nite was something similar to that. Occasionally, I'd host pizza nite where guests bring their toppings and rollup their sleeves to make that kick-ass pizza they've tasted in some pizza place...but never had a chance to make themselves. My ideal guest number is 8. It's small enough to be intimate (and not break up) and big enough to be lively. Besides, I only have 8 chairs and a round table big enough for 8 people. I usually invite 12 and 8 will usually make it.

Close to and even on event day, people who have already committed to coming were just calling saying they can't make it. I wasn't sure if I should cancel myself or not, but since I was set on having pizza that night (alone or otherwise), I just crossed my fingers on who's going to show up.

Mon and Danny did. Our friendship goes back through the growing family years, stumbling through a few issues, but it was there all the while enduring its highs and lows. I can't even remember the last time when just the three of us gathered for anything so this is as good an opportunity as it gets to bond and renew the friendship in our own implicit manner. In Mon's parlance, with the passing summer, it's one less summer left before we face our sunset years. I am reminded of an aphorism-email that was being passed around the internet that struck a cord: don't let little mistakes ruin a great friendship.


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