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lucid thoughts

April 8, 2002 Monday


Still reeling from guilt from the pizza bingeing, I skipped breakfast, had a light lunch and worked off the calories by doing rope skipping. Once I latched on the music, it was like catching the wave and I was in the zone...caught in the current of the rhythm. I did something different with my abs routine. I went isometrics all the way sometimes with light weights until the burning makes it too hot to continue. I get a much better workout this way than pumping.

Wine Bottle

Gave one of the veeps in the company my newly bottled wine as a belated gift. I only wanted to say "thanks for the job, Big Guy. I like being here". But I think I made him uncomfortable with it. I never learn...people feel uncomfortable with that stuff. Reminds me of the coffee samples I gave (former teacher) Danny and (former classmate) Nicci...they just froze and I felt awkward. Like I said, I never learn. Funny how I can casually say that now but never talked about it with them. Well, maybe they'll get to read this.


I had dinner with Carrie, a former colleague from Chapters whom I've never talked to since she left Chapters almost 2 years back. Carrie is still as charming and lovely as ever. Always smart, intelligent and articulate, I remained a captive audience as she talked about her career, friends and her much appreciated "balanced" life. It would be nice to spend more time with her and people like her. When we were colleagues, I'd give her a polite smile at best but we never had a conversation. I guess when you work with people, you're not best're colleagues and arms-length distance is more comfortable. I seem to develop friendship with office mates whom I no longer work with. Well, each to his own. She's such a social person she reminds me of 2 former Chapters colleagues...Mathew and Jamie. Everybody knew them, they knew everybody and everybody liked them. That's a gift. You can't help but admire people who possess natural qualities you struggle with, with every single passing day. Like goodwill, you don't see this stuff on the balance sheet or financial statement but having this makes all the difference.


Reader Comments:

I certainly enjoyed the reprieve your diary just gave me -- it's always so interesting to see the way in which other people observe/ perceive you.

Your description was very flattering -- a nice boost on a dreary Tuesday. I especially liked the line at the end: "Like goodwill, you don't see this stuff on the balance sheet or financial statement but having this (social skills) makes all the difference."

Also, identified with your wine anecdote ... we live in a funny culture ... one that anticipates that gifts of any sort are given with a set of expectations or strings. Maybe this is a very North American attitude? -- Carrie

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